Fabó Beáta - Gall, Anthony: I came from the East to a City of Great Palaces. Károly Kós, the early years 1907-1914 (Budapest, 2013)


The fireplace - the focal point of the house Kós professed that the hearth had a central role to play in every Transylvanian household. Not only did it provide heat, it would also be used for warming and cooking meals. The wooden bench surrounding the fireplace preserved the relationship between person and fire, intimate by nature. Kalotaszeg/Tara Cälatei, traditional ceramic stove Kós Károly: Régi Kalotaszeg, 1912 Kalotaszeg/Tara Cälatei, circa 1955 photo by Dr. Károly Kós Kriza János Néprajzi Társaság archives, KJNT 00129 Kalotaszeg/Tara Cälatei, traditional stove Kós Károly: Régi Kalotaszeg, 1912 34

