Fabó Beáta - Gall, Anthony: I came from the East to a City of Great Palaces. Károly Kós, the early years 1907-1914 (Budapest, 2013)

Kós Károly - The early years, 1907-1914

Balázs Ida, 1909 private collection J ----- until r ír A page from the hand-written and illustrated Székely balladák (Székely Ballads), 1907- an engagement present to his future wife in 1909. He reads excerpts from his writings in public in Marosvásárhely (Târgu Mures) with great success (winter) In Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca) he plans and builds the Folyovits House with Ede Wigand (starting in spring) He enters the competition for the planning of the Hungarian pavilion of the World Exposition in Rome (spring) In Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca) he plans the holiday house of Deputy Mayor Béla Fekete Nagy In Szada he plans the rebuilding and extension works of Baron Vécsey's manor During the summer: most of the Zoo buildings are completed, Kós leaves Zrumeczky to complete the remaining smaller jobs István Bárczy offers an engineering job with the municipality but Kós declines the offer accepts a temporary teaching job at a municipal school the Budapest municipal council commissions him and Dénes Györgyi to plan the school building complex in Városmajor he pays another visit to Transylvania to settle the details for his wedding in Türe and oversee the construction of his own house in Sztána (Stana) 7 didn't accept the position of chief-engineer offered by the Mayor of Budapest but did accept the temporary job teaching building-construction in the Municipal Technical Drawing School. I also took the offer to do the planning of the school building complex (school, kindergarten, staff housing etc.) with colleague Dénes Györgyi and oversee the construction works. As a result Ifeltfinancially mostly stable’. KOS ml: UI-U1 The workers' housing estate for the Târgu Mures Public Works complex begins, overseeing the work every two weeks Building the school complex in Városmajor with Dénes Györgyi (detailed plans submitted in September) Detailed plans and building of the house in Brétfű, Cluj Detailed plans and building of Crow Castle (completed in autumn) Wedding and honeymoon The winter course of Masonry and Joinery starts Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca), Chamber of Industry design published (winter), competition was announced in February 1909, Régi Kalotaszeg (Old Kalotaszeg) - Kós' hand-written and illustrated booklet is published in Magyar Iparművészet (Hungarian Applied Art) 1911.5.CO ♦U9+UU The plans for the Székely (Sekler) National Museum ofSepsiszentgyörgy (Sfântu Gheorghe) commis­sioned, construction work begins in August Making the plans for the house of the Keresztes brothers in Sepsiszentgyörgy (Sfântu Gheorghe) Making the plans for the housing of the museum staff in Sepsiszentgyörgy (Sfântu Gheorghe) Autumn: Gives up his teaching job, having recommended Dezső Zrumeczky to fill the position Gives up overseeing the construction works at the Városmajor site, passing on the job to Dénes Györgyi Gives up his flat in Budapest Moves to Sztána (Stana) with his family Oversees the construction projects in Sfântu Gheorghe every two weeks ‘In addition to the relatively great number of my existent planning and overseeing tasks I received still others (planning the house of the Keresztes brothers and two flats for the museum staff in Sepsiszentgyörgy / Sfântu Gheorghe), in the autumn Igave up my teaching job (and recommended Dezső Zrumeczky in my stead) and agreed with Dénes Györgyi that he would oversee what little remained of the construction of the Városmajor school complex. Thus my presence in Budapest became unnecessary and Iga ve up our flat in Budapest (in Angyal Street), packed up my whole family and our entire household and we moved with all our belongings to Sztána/Stana, into our holiday house, now promoted to the status of family home. This was a half conscious,half instinctive effort on my part tofulfill my ever strengthening secret desire to move my home and my workplace to Transylvania, to Sztána/Stana, Kalotaszeg which grew closer and doser to my heart. That autumn and winter I started to be an active part in the social life of the Kalotaszeg region!K0S1991 im 20

