Pécs és Baranya 1956-ban - Baranyai történelmi közlemények 3. A Baranya Megyei Levéltár Évkönyve 2008 (BML, 2008)


András Rozs: The "Mecsek invisibles" and rear-guard actions of workers' 1 councils Following the revolution, the most significant armed fight was going on in the Mecsek Hills, besides the resistance of Csepel. Under the command of the "Gazda" (Farmer), who was an ex-doctor called Géza Horváth having served as a soldier in different units, at least 3-500 inhabitants of Pécs, prepared for guerrilla warfare, there were mostly university students, secondary-school students, workers, miners planned to fight in the Mecsek Hills as long as the soviet troops would leave our homeland as well as the UN troops would arrive concerning the liberation of town Pécs. The commander intended to avoid front-fight by making his troops continue permanent displacement —that is why they were called "the invisibles". He endeavoured to prove the fact of armed resistance both for the country and the public opinion of abroad. Thus, few actual military actions took place. Their most considerable military action was the attack on the police station of Pécsvárad. A part of inhabitants of Mecsek gave up the hopeless fighting and the remaining 42 fighters left for the former Jugoslavia on the 22nd of November. The fight of workers, miners of factories, plants and mines of towns Pécs and Komló was further going on for the maintenance of selfdetermination through the rear-guard actions of workers' councils. The delegation of workers' councils of the machine works Sopiana and of Pécs bányatelep negotiated with the representatives of the Kádár-govemment in Budapest, which had little result. Though they continued their fight. Following the detention of their leader, Emil Dobrovics, they were on hunger-strike in mines of Pécs to protest against it, and then they took part in the national strike lasting for 48 hours in the beginning of December. Ferenc Dávid: On the track of the "Mecsek invisibles", battlefield archeology —Vágotpuszta, 2006 A group of Pécs involved in research for seats of operations carried out excavations in the Mecsek Hills, in such fields where military actions had been going on in the places denominated by those recalling the events and by historians, during the days following the revolution of 1956. The author publishes the results of the work of that research group in this study. First he draws up the historic background of the research, refers to the number and composition of fights continued in the Mecsek Hills, and then describes the armament and types of arms and ammunition of fighters of Mecsek. The author analyses in detailes the outcome of the fights continued in one of the general headquarters and in its sorroundings of the fighters of the Mecsek Hills in November 1956. The author can implement it by means of the experiences acquired while ranging over the local field. Since during

