Vadas József (szerk.): Ars Decorativa 12. (Budapest, 1992)

LÁSZLÓ Emőke: Magyar hímzett és selyemkárpitok a 16-17. századból

45. Budapest Museum of Applied Arts, Inv.No. 52.1853.1 Embroidery: the high relief embroidery of silver and silvergilt thread is sewn on a cotton base, padded with paper with linen thread and simple linen thread. Stitches: strained embroidery, couched in pattern and contour embroidery. Lining: only fragments have remained from the twilled wool cloth. Size: 175 x 175 cm. 46. Wallin, S.: Karlen och Hasten. Liwusikam­maren, Vol. VI. 3^1, 1952, Pict. 31. 47. National Centre of Archive Documents, the documents of the Prince Esterházy familv, the let­ters of Palatine Pál, P. 125, vol. 116, No." 11884. 48. Katona, T.: "A fraknói kincstár 1725-ös lel­tára" (The 1725 Inventory of the Fraknó Treasury). In: Művészettörténeti Értesítő, Vol. XXIX, No. 2 1980, p. 132. 49. National Centre of Archive Documents, the documents of the Prince Esterházy family, the let­ters of Palatine Pál, IV, Mixed Documents, Vol. 52, 115.k. No. 11693. 50. Inventarium Thesauri Fraknensis Anno 1725. Almárium Sub.Nris 75 et 76. Nro. 3. Archive of the Museum of Applied Arts, 236/1957. 51. Museum of Applied Arts, Inv.No. 52.2686.1 Lining: blue, unpattemed, twilled mixed linen and cotton ("barhend") Size: 260 x 165 cm. 52. Katona, I: "A fraknói kincstár 1685. évi lel­tára" (The 1635 Inventory of the Fraknó Treasury). In: Savaria, Vols 17—18, 1983—84. pp. 461—502. 53. Inventarium Thesauri in Arce Frakno existen­sis. Die 8. Januar Annj 1693. National Centre of Archive Documents, the documents of the duke Esterházy family, Rep.8.Fasc.C. No. 37+BN/pp. 1—47. 54. Budapest Museum of Applied Arts Large curtains: Inv.Nos 52.1802.1—21 the sec­ond has been destroyed Small curtains: Inv.Nos 52.1802.3—5 and 51.1617.1 Frieze: 52.2802.6 Embroidery: applied high relief embroidery in silvergilt and silver thread. The silk thread couching the wire thread is red, green, yellow and un­coloured. The basic material of the embroidery is linen, with red felt below, padded with linen thread. Braids: three sides of the curtains and the frieze are braided with crimson red silk and silver­gilt, as well as silver thread. The only bobble that survived is made of silver thread. Both braids are fringed, the braids of the frieze is enriched with macramé. Lining: pale red silk taffeta Sizes: Large curtain: 171 x 171 cm Small curtain: 171 x 117 cm Frieze: 38 x 685 cm. 55. Radvánszky, see above, Vol. II, p. 233. 56. Renaissance en Barok. Stadt.Gent Museum voor Sierkunst. 1989. Cat.242 (fringes), Cat.Nos 253 and 256, (bobbles). 57. Budapest Museum of Applied Arts, Inv.No. 52.2799.1 Material: pale red silk satin Embroidery: applied high relief embroidery in silvergilt and silver thread; embroidered with black and red silk in t he coat of anns. Size: 202 x 152 cm. 58. Siebmacher: Wappenbuch. Nuremberg, 1891—92 Adels von Ungarn. 678., Taf. 468. 59. Thaly, K.: Késmárki Tököly Imre naplói és emlékezetes írásai (The Diaries and Mémoires of Imre Tököly of Késmárk). Mon.Hung., Hist.XXIII, Pest, 1868, p. 400. 60. Radvánszky, see above, Vol. II, p. 386. 61. Inventarium Thesauri Fraknensis Anno 1725. Almárium Sub.Nris. 75 et 76. Nr. 7, 16.— Docu­mentary Dept of the Budapest Museum of Applied Arts 236/1957 62. Urbaria et Conscriptiones. Booklet 8, Bp., 1990, p. 107. 63. Radvánszky, B.: Udvartartás és szá­madásköny\>ek I (Household and Accounts, Vol. I). Bp., 1888, p. 299. 64. Urbaria et Conscriptiones. Booklet 6, Bp., 1981, p. 54. 65. Történelmi Tár, 1886, p. 781. 66. Palotay, G.: "Régi erdélyi hímzésuúntaraj­zok" (Old Transylvanian Embroidery Patterns). In: Erdélyi Tudományos Füzetek, Kolozsvár, 1941 No. 131 67. Urbaria et Conscriptiones. Booklet 2, Bp., 1967, pp. 446—447. 68. Történelmi Tár, 1893, p. 164. Szádeczky, B.: /. Apafi M i liá ly fejedelem ud­vartartásából (On the Household of Mihály Apafi I, Ruling Prince of Transylvania). Kolozsvár, 1913, p. 26. 69. B. Nagy, M.: Várak, kastélyok, udvarlvázak (Castles, Palaces and Mansions), Bukarest, 1973, p. 149. 70. Kemény, L.: "Adatok művészetünk történeté­hez" (A Few Data On the History of Hungarian Arts), Művészet, 1905, p. 347. 71. Information about bead threaders are found both among the documents of Miklós and Pál Esterházy (from the ducal branch of the Esterházy

