Amerikai Magyar Hírlap, 1989 (1. évfolyam, 1-24. szám)

1989-05-05 / 9. szám

AMERICAN Hungarian Journal Interview with Nyers in Die Presse Secretary of State Rezső Nyers, member of the MSzMP Political Committee, gave an in­terview to two contributors of Die Presse, Tibor Fényi and Péter Martos, about the difficul­ties and possible outcomes of the Hungarian economic reform, and current issues regarding MSzMP. The politician said that the primary target of the economic reform aspirations was the crea­tion of a basis for marketing economy. The select cabinet is already debating the particulars of the plan, the government will discuss it in the summer, and in the fall it will be submitted to the Parliament. The reporters of Die Presse wanted to know whether the removal of politicians whose reputation had been com­promised, starting with János Kádár, was not considered an equally important issue in Hun­gary. In his answer, Mr. Nyers reminded them that János Kádár had retired due to illness and could not take an active part in leader-ship. A magyarországi eseményekről tudósító cikkeket ezen az oldalon JANCSÓ ZSUZSA fordította angolra But the twenty million Rumanian citizens do not fare any better with Ceausescu either. The unification plan - the destruction of the individual by social planning, as one critic called it - is in a more advanced stage in and around Bucharest. Thousands escape to the neigh­boring Hungary, but for other millions there is no way out. MONITORING OF HUNGARIAN TELEVISION NEEDED The National Presidium of the Hungarian Independence Party stresses in a recent statement that, according to their informa­tion, the leadership of Hun­garian Television continues to classify and broadcast vital new material regarding social issues of national interest in a dis­criminatory manner. They reproach, for instance, that TV has not publicized the events of March 15 in proportion to their significance. They criticize the policy to hide important programs analyzing domestic is­sues and the country’s future in the late night hours, diminishing thereby the right to free and full expression of opinions. Equal opportunity for the many new political organizations is also an important issue. The Hungarian Independence Party proposes that for public interest, an organization inde­pendent of government and rep­resenting all segments of society should be set up to oversee the functioning of Television. REIGN OF TERROR IN RUMANIA Transylvania is a fertile, ver­dant and wonderful land ad­jacent to Hungary and the Soviet Union. Originally it belonged to Hungary, but Rumania invaded it after World War n. Until recently, the inhabitants of this agriculturally valuable land were doing relatively well. Now the region is on the verge of disaster. The reason: Rumanian dictator Ceausescu wants to direct the whole country in the spirit of the Com­munist dream according to a nationwide, detailed, centralized plan. Ceausescu had already shed the country’s lifeblood by ruin­ing its commerce and industry, and dramatically lowering the life standard. His latest insane plan that he calls "regional sys­­temization" will literally destroy half of the country’s 13,000. vil­lages. Many of the condemned villages have several centuries old historical past. The villages to be destroyed will be replaced by so-called "agrarian-industrial complexes." More than a mil­lion farmers will lose their houses and tiny patches of land that they use to grow food for their own needs. They will move into small apartments of uniform slag concrete houses where they won’t even have their own bathroom and kitchen. Beyond all this, Ceausescu had practically declared war against the ethnic minorities of Rumania, the two million Hun­garians and a few hundred thousand Germans. The majority of the nationalities lives on the ancient land of Transyl­vania. The ethnic minorities are being "Rumanized" by the uprooting of their language and culture, permeated by the or­thodox Communist ideal of eliminating all differences be­tween city and village, between industral worker and peasant. MEGRENDELHETŐ az ár egyidejű beküldésével: Ez az évtizedeket átfogó visszaemlékezés, mely bizonyos mértékig önéletrajz, tárgyalja ifjúkorának világát a két világháború közötti neobarokk Magyarország társadalmi beren­dezkedését, amely számára mindig idegen maradt, mert a többszáz éves polgárosodás és a városokat teremtő kultúra reflexét családi örökségképpen hordozta magában. „A szavak székesegyházának" nevezte egyik kritikusa ezt a művet, mely lenyűgöző részlet­szépségeivel, arcképeivel és sodró erejű ese­ményeivel az európai irodalom legnagyobb művei közé tartozik. • Az 1136 oldalas, két kötetben összefoglalt mű elsőosz­tályú kiállításban, vászonborítású védőtokban a magyar könyvkiadás büszkesége. A két kötet ára: $50.00 + csomagolási és postaköltség $5.00. Vorosvary Publishing Co. Ltd. könyvosztályán, 412 Bloor Street, West, Toronto, Ont., Canada M5S 1X5 Megjelent! Megjelent! MÁRAI SÁNDOR A GARRENEK MŰVE című életregénye PUBLICATION OF GULAG IN THE SOVIET UNION Selections from Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago will be pub­lished this year in the Soviet Union. Parts of the trilogy about Stalinist forced labor camps will appear towards the end of the year - reported the editorial secretary of Soviet literary review Novij Mir on Friday. It was not clarified, though, who or what agency made the decision on the issue. AP reminds of the interview given by Sergei Zaligin, editor-in-chief of Novij Mir, to The Washington Post. In it, Zaligin stated that Mikhail Gorbachev approves of the publication of the works of Solzhenitsyn, who, was im­prisoned on trumped-up char­ges in Stalinist times and exiled in 1973. The editor-in-chief of Novij Mir had revealed last year that he was conducting negotiations for the copyright of another novel by the author, Cancer Ward. (MTI) DEMAND FOR PLEBISCITE The Group of Those Who Demand Plebiscite sent a letter to the head of the Cabinet Miklós Németh. They demand the revision of the decision regarding the con­struction of the barrage of Bős- Nagymaros. They refer to the promise of the Prime Minister not to start any irreversible work on the site of the construc­tion. They list in detail the capital construction activities in the riverbed of the Danube going on in spite of these promises. The extraction of stone, the cementing, the construction of steel panes are all proofs of a conflict of interest between the investing company and the statement of the Prime Minister. In consequence, the word of the government head had lost credibility. A survey conducted by the group for plebiscite and the Danube Circle reveals that no work has been suspended and the government has no intention to stop the construction. THE NEW HUNGARIAN CONSTITUTION will stipulate that no weaponry of mass destruction can be based in the country - declared Miklós The Hungarian Language According to the traditional theory, contested by some Hun­­garan linguists, the name "Magyar" derives from the Ugric "Mansi" or "Magy" with the ad­dition of the Turkish "eri" form­ing "Magyeri", which became the name of the largest tribe. Western historians and chronicles, however, have given the Magyars different names: Hungarus in Latin, Ungars in German, Hongrois in French, Ungherese in Italian, Ungroi in Greek and finally, Hungarians in English. All these names are derived from the name Hun- Ogur or Onogur used since the fifth century as a reminder of the Magyars’ long association with Turkic-Onogur-Hun peoples. Onogur means "ten tribes"; thus the word Hun­garian (onogur-ungur-ungar). An examination of Hungarian racial elements shows a com­posite people. The main com­ponents are Turanoid (Turkic- Onogur), East Baltic (Finno- Ugric) with traces of Caucasian, Anatolian, Dinarian, Mediter­ranean and Alpine racial types. The Hungarian language is to­tally different in vocabulary and grammar from the Teutonic, Latin, Slav, or Celtic languages. The construction and the bulk of the Magyar language is Finno-Ugric, enriched with a Ural-Altaic-Turkic vocabulary and about 600 Slavic loan words picked up through frequent con­tacts with Slavs during history. Surprisingly, among the 6,000 or so languages spoken in the world today, Hungarian is thir­tieth in the number of people who speak it, with approximate­ly 16 million people speaking Hungarian as their mother tongue in various countries. Of these, 10,700,000 live in Hun­gary itself and two or three mil­lion (there is a divergence be­tween Hungarian estimates and Rumanian statistics) in Transyl­vania and adjacent territories taken over by Rumania after the dismemberment of historic Hungary in the Trianon Peace Treaty of 1920. About 650,000 live in Slovakia, 600,000 in Yugoslavia, and approximately 180,000 in Carpatho-Ruthenia, which was annexed by the Soviet Union after World War II. The remaining Hungarians live dis­persed in other countries of the free world. All this means that more than one third of the magyar nation lives outside the mother country, a fate some­what similiar to that of the Jews. The millions of Hungarians living outside present day Hun­gary are diminishing in numbers due to forced assimilation, a practice which borders on "cul­tural ethnocide" in Rumania and recently also in Slovakia. This loss aggraveted by the voluntary assimilation of those Hungarians who have emigrated to other lands. The Magyars represent an is­land in Europe, not even dis­tantly related to any of their neighbors or, for that matter, to any European people except the Finns from whom they separated thousands of year ago. There is only one com­munity in the world where Finns and Hungarians still live side by side. It is, interestingly, in the United States, in Fairfield, Ohio (population 4,500), where a Fin­­nish-Hungarian settlement thrives, representing one of the rarest coincidences in the two peoples’ history. Vocabulary studies among Hungarians show that the average 14 year-old can use six or seven thousand Hungarian words. János Arany, one of the greatest Hungarian poets in the 19th century, used 25,000 words in his poems and epics, but is was Mór Jókai, a novelist of in­ternational fame, who is said to have possessed and used a vocabulary of over 50,000 words. Jókai even compiled a private dictionary of words used by in­fants and children to render his narratives more true to life. When he wrote the play Levente, about a descendant of Árpád, he painstakingly created hundreds of new words to im­itate the ancient idioms of the age. The seven volume Hungarian Dictionary of Definitions pub­lished in the 1960’s contains 60.000 entries, but that number is greatly increased to between 800.000 and 1,000,000 when all Hungarian dialects, including the eight major ones, are counted. And now some peculiarities about the language itself. It is an agglutinative tongue, the root of words being almost invariably formed by their first syllables. In Aryan languages the root is, as it were, subter­ranean, and frequently hard to lay bare. In Hungarian the root is always apparent. The vowels have a distinct musical value, and do not resemble the musi­cally indeterminable vowels of English or German. Consonants are never unduly accumulated, as in Czech or Polish. In the Hungarian language, the distribution of vowels and con­sonants is such that on the average 100 vowels occur for every 142 consonants. This is ex­actly the same proportion as in French. (Continued) HIVATALOS ÓRÁINK: hétfőtől péntekig reggel 8-tól délután 4-ig Barabás, Secretary General of the National Peace Council to the Spanish weekly El Inde­­pendiente. The occasion for Barabás’s visit was the publica­tion of a combined Spanish- Hungarian-Italian peace decla­ration. BILLY GRAHAM, the world­­famous Baptist minister and American Church dignitary, will deliver a public sermon in the People’s Stadium of Budapest on July 29. His speech will be the conclusion of the European Baptist Congress to be held at the end of July in Budapest. A FESTIVE FAREWELL was said in Vienna to the Hun­garian and Austrian policemen who left together from Swechat Airport of the Austrian capital for Namibia to participate in the local monitoring forces of the U.N. .. “ERIKÁI imittJUJI 3 Megjelent!

