Oberlander Báruch rabbi (szerk.): A rabbi válaszol. Modern kérdések, hagyományos válaszok 4 - Zsidó Ismeretek Tára 38. A rabbi válaszol 4. (Budapest, 2021)
I. rész. Kérdezd a rabbit világjárvány idején - Zsinagóga és imádkozás
Zsidó ismeretek tára 36 the need for a stable economy, a good relationship with other countries, etc. In this matter, the Rebbe ruled that the correct approach in determining what is considered dangerous and what is not, is an approach which takes into consideration only the security side of things, without mixing into it the need for a stable economy, good foreign relations etc. Though it is true that all these other factors are very important as of themselves, Halacha does not permit us under any circumstances to use them as an excuse to put ourselves into a dangerous situation. Life and death matters overrides considerations of economy, foreign relations, and many other great and important things. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A PURELY MEDICAL OPINION AND A POLITICAL MEDICAL OPINION We can now apply this thinking in our case as well. When the pandemic began there were doctors who put out warnings and claimed that all public areas should be closed so that the pandemic shouldn’t spread and infect many people. The governments were not in a hurry to accept their opinions, not because they had more updated studies which showed that leaving public areas open was not dangerous, but rather they hesitated because they felt a great responsibility in order to not affect the economy, the educational system, and all normal life. Therefore, they decided that for the greater good and a variety of needs, they were willing to accept upon themselves the responsibility of the pandemic spreading. All the time, hoping it would not spread after all. A few days or weeks latter, it became apparent that the pandemic itself did not take the economy, the education, or in fact anything else into consideration. Only once many tragic situations developed, of people being hospitalized because of respiratory issues, and אל ונילע people dying, they finally understood that normal life had to be stopped in order to save lives. Since then, approx. 5-6 weeks have passed and the pressure to reopen public areas is getting stronger and stronger every day. That is why they started with the leniencies. Is the pressure of re-opening coming because the doctors have come to the conclusion that the danger of the pandemic has ceased? Not at all. Rather, people have