Zalai történeti tanulmányok - Zalai gyűjtemény 42. (Zalaegerszeg, 1997)

Molnár András: Nagy Iván 1848-as honvédélményeiből. Újabb adalékok a 7. honvédzászlóalj történetéhez

7th battalion. The author’s rank and post as well as his lack of military training didn’t allow him to give a full account and this way he was able to commit only his personal experiences to paper. Yet his memories recording the Hungarian soldiers’ wearisome everyday life can be considered as one of the most valuable and important sources of the history of the 7th honvéd battalion. His chronologi­cal and topographical data are of special value because these allow a more reli­able reconstruction of the corps’s movements and activities in September and October. 179

