William Penn, 1958 (41. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1958-08-06 / 8. szám

August 20, 1958 PAGE 7 William Penn III. Disbursements Death Benefit Claims .................... 43,441.36 Matured Endowments .................... 23,100.00 Cash Surrenders ............................. 40,413.28 Monthly Dues Refunds ................ 1,286.22 Int. Assigned or Paid ...................... 7.12 Accrued Bond Interest .................. 335.25 Refunds to Members .................... 2,852.45 Loss on Sale, Exchange or Maturity of Bonds ........................ 1,320.00 Rent ....................... 1,260.00 Salaries and Wages ........................ 20,979.45 Branch Office Expense .................... 5,418.40 Legal Fees and Expenses ............. 291.66 Medical Examination Fees ............. 1,685.68 Inspection Report Fees ................ 306.00 Traveling Expenses ........................ 2,450.75 Advertising .......... 1,627.91 Postage ................ 510.00 Telegraph .......................................... 36.38 Telephone .......................................... 952.00 Printing ....................... 534.08 Stationery .......................................... 1,170.23 Cost or Dep. of Fur. and Equip. .. 78.18 Books and Periodicals .................... 81.48 Bureau and Association Dues .... 370.40 Ins., except on Real Estate ......... 325.00 Sundry General Expense ............... 703.19 Act. and Auditing Expenses ......... 873.33 Field Expense Allowance ............... 1,437.52 Field Conference .............................. 66.70 Official Publication ........................ 1,930.33 American Hungarian Federation .. 250.00 Donations .......................... 83.33 Sports Activities ............................. 3,051.80 Real Estate Expenses .................... 6,825.39 Other Investment Expenses ......... 183.38 Trust Fund Paid Deposits ............. 2,419.04 Commissions .................................... 22 613.34 Collection of Dues ......................... 20 954.65 Suppl. Contracts Without Life Cont. Paid Deposits .................... 1,007.12 New Bldg. Plans Account................ 12.65 Social Security Federal Tax ....... 2,446.22 Hospitalization — Employees .... 287.60 Sales Promotion Expense ............. 246.81 Rental of Equipment ...................y... , „ 45.32 Sick Benefit Claims ........................ Income Protector Claims .............. Surgical Claims ............................... Hospitalization Claims .................... Pension Fund Payments .................. Pension Fund Contr. Returned ....... Bethlehem, Pennsylvania Dist. Off. City Wage Tax .............................. 17.15 U. S. Dist. Director of Internal Revenue Withholding Tax — April ............................................... 8,627.27 Total Disbursements ............... 224,915.42 Ledger Assets as of May 31, 1958 .............. “ 24,993,893.32 JULIUS E. SOMOGYI National Treasurer _a_ _a_ 43,441.36 a 23,100.00 _a_ 40,413.28 9.80--.--1,296.02--.-­--.--7.12 _a _ 335.25 2,852.45 69.62 1,389.62 1,260.00--. --20,979.45---.--5,418.40- ---.--291.66 i ,--.--1,685.68- -—.— 306.00 —.— 2,450.75 _ —.—■ 1,627.91 —.— 510.00-­—.— 36.38--.-­—.— 952.00 _ —.— 534.08 ___ ___--.--1,170.23 i —.— 78.18 —.— 81.48- -—.— 370.40- -—.— 325.00---.--703.19 . 873.33 —._ 1,437.52 —.— 66.70 — -1,930.33 —•— 250.00--.-­--.--83.33--.-­--.--3,051.80-­--.--6,825.39 _a—. 7.50 190.88 —.—--•--2,419.04 —.— 22,613.34--.--20,954.65 . ..--.--1,007.12--.-­—.— 12.65 2,446.22 —.—--•--287.60 —.— —■— 246.81--.-- f . --.--45.32 18,661.09--.--18,661.09 71.25--.--71.25 25.00--.--25.00 7.14 —.— 7.14--.--1,341.27 1,341.27--.--58.00 58.00 17.15 C 8,627.27 18,774.28 1,476.39 245.166.09 1,104,976.42 241.803.6Í 26,340,673.35 JOHN SABO, National Auditor LEDGER ASSETS — MAY 31, 1958 Real Estate — Home Off. Bldgs. & Dist. Off. Bldgs. Less Reserve ...................................................................... Mortgage Loan Account .................................................... Loans and Liens ................................................................... Bond Account ........................................................................ Stock Account ...................................................................... ...$ 923,723.21 2,034,894.89 842,016.30 22,015,319.40 316,194.67 87,119.84 Cash Account ........................................................................ Savings Account ................................................................... 80,318.59 38,566.45 Branch Real Estate Loan Account ...................................... Airlines Account ................................................................... Petty Cash ............................................................................ 425.00 1,000.00 630.00 Security for Branch Office Rental .................................. Accounts Receivable .................................................... 465.00 Ledger Assets as of May 31, 1958 _ _____________________ .....$ 26,340,673.35 JULIUS E. SOMOGYI JOHN SABO­National Treasurer National Auditor HELPFUL HINTS DEPT. According to an explorer, a tiger will not harm you if you carry a white walking cane. That might de­pend, we should think on how fast you carry it. — Atlanta Journal.--------------------------­The shrinking dollar seems to com­mand universal respect without re­gard to its purchasing value. AND LONG ONES The only steps remaining that pedestrians may take to protect their rights are fast ones. — Boston Tran­script.---------'-a”; CfeJ— THEY DO Many movie Magnates, says a re­port, are now millionaires. For which of course, they should thank their lucky stars. — Life. TRIBAL BATTLE If Chief Black Cloud Greene has his way, the U. S. Supreme Court is going to have a tough case to settle one of these days. The chief, top man of the Tuscarora Indians, is battling the New York State Power Au­thority which wants to pre­empt 1,343 acres of the tribe’s lands for a reservoir. In the U. S. district court, Chief Black Cloud, along with Mad Bear and others of the tribe, lost the decision. But, de­clared Black Cloud: “We’re now seeking help from Indians throughout the country. We’re going to carry our case right up to the U. S. Supreme Court.” If they were reds instead of redskins, they’d have a good chance. — THE DAILY NEWS McKeesport, Pa. Golden Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. John Fedor A Duquesne, Pennsylvania couple, Mr. and Mrs. John Fedor, members of Branch 71-V of the same city, celebrated their 50th wedding anni­versary June 8, 1958. The joyful event began with at­tendance at High Mass in St. Jo­seph’s Roman Catholic Church. A three o’clock dinner at Paule’s Look-Out added to the festivities and merriement of the happy occasion. Later in the day well-wishing friends assembled at the Fedor residence, 130 Zewe Alley, to fete the couple who had reached that milestone in mar­ried life — 50 YEARS. Beautiful gifts expressed the sentiments of their givers., • q Mr. and Mrs. Fedor both are natives * of Ináncs, county of Abauj-Toma, Hungary. They were married June 9, 1908 in St. Theresa’s Roman Ca­tholic Church, Ináncs. The husband came to America in 1911 followed by his wife in 1912. He is retired from the Duquesne Works of the United States Steel Corporation. Last year, at the 50th aniversary commemoration of the founding of Branch 71-V, Mr. Fedor, a past of­ficer of the branch, was one of se­veral awarded the Illustrious Cita­tion and Gold Emblem by the Board of Directors at that affair. The Fedors have three children, Leslie Fedor of Large, Pa., Mrs. Jack Poole living in Orlando, Florida, and Mrs. Jerry Kyslinger in Liberty, Pa. There are eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Our very best to Mr. and Mrs. Fedor.-------------------------­Newlyweds to Live in Florida Mrs. Valentine Hűlik, member of Branch 48-V, New York City, re­cently was remarried in the rectory of St. Stephen’s Church of the same city. She married Michael Oswald of Miami, Florida. Mrs. Oswald is the daughter of Andrew Tyukodi, former Branch 48-V president who until his illness was very active in the affairs of that branch. The Oswalds will make their per­manent residence in Miami.-------------------------­PENALOGICAL NOTE A new Canadian prison has air­­conditioning, private baths, indirect lighting and a sun deck. A little more of this and the automobile clubs will be approving them. —• Detroit News.

