William Penn Life, 2018 (53. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

2018-01-01 / 1. szám

HAPPY NEW YEAR, BOYS AND GIRLS! Can you believe it has been a whole year since we started our new and (we think) improved Just 4 Kidz section? I hope you have had as much fun doing all the activities you've found in these pages over the past 12 months as we have had sharing them with you We look forward to another year of fun and sharing with you! We don't know what the weather is like in January where you live, but where we live it can get awfully cold and snowy this month. We love to go play in the snow, even when it's really cold outside. And, after we're done playing, we always like to come inside and warm up our bellies with a nice, big mug of hot chocolate. If we're in a hurry, we'll pour some milk in our mug, stir in a couple of teaspoons of sweetened chocolate powder, then heat it up in the microwave. But, where's the fun in that?! What we REEEEEEEEEEALLY like to do is make homemade hot chocolate. The best part is that it's not as hard as it may sound. Of course, you should probably ask a grown-up to help you or at least to watch as you prepare your hot chocolate to make sure you're doing it safely. Here's a recipe for a rich, creamy hot chocolate, courtesy of Mari Eugenia at inspiredbyfamUymag.com. What You Need • 1 can sweetened condensed milk, 14 ounces • 6 cups low-fat milk • 2 cups chocolate chips What You Do • Pour the sweetened condensed milk and low-fat milk into a pot and whisk together. (If you're not sure what a "whisk" is and how to use it, ask a grown-up to help you.) • Put the pot on the stove and turn on to LOW heat. • Slowly pour in the chocolate chips while continuing to stir the milk. • Keep stirring the milk over low heat until it just begins to boil. It should take about 15-20 minutes. • Turn off the stove and move the pot to a cool part of the stove. • Pour your hot chocolate into your favorite mug and top with marshmallows or whipped cream! Once you get good at making this basic recipe, you can try adding extra ingredients to make your hot chocolate even more special. You can try adding a little vanilla extract or some orange zest or even a dash of chili powder. Get creative, enjoy...and stay WARM! 10 0 January 2018 0 WILLIAM PENN LIFE

