William Penn Life, 2017 (52. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

2017-01-01 / 1. szám

Branch News Members of Branch 8 welcome Santa to the branch's annual family Christmas party. Branch 8 Johnstown, PA by Alexis Yuhas Kozak Happy New Year from Branch 8! I cannot believe it is that time again. The years go by so fast. Seems like Santa was just here, and we were again celebrating another year. We need to thank God that we are here with our friends and families. This is something I think we all take for granted. God bless you all who lost a loved one last year. I know our family did, and we will hold them near and dear to our hearts. Let the memo­ries of your loved ones bring you comfort. The most important thing is to carry on and never stop the tra­ditions. Traditions keep the family alive and together. I know that you all have your family traditions, and coming from a Hungarian Family, there are too many to list. Branch 8 had the BEST Christmas party ever. We worked Santa Claus overtime. The children created beau­tiful crafts, thanks to Janel Kozak as the "working elf." Dorothy Kedves and Judy Grasa were a huge help in the kitchen. Thanks to all for helping put this event together. I hope everyone had fun and enough to eat. You know, whenever you go to eat at a Hungarian home or Hungarian function, if you left hungry, it was only your fault! This was our first Christmas party following the merger of our Branch with former Branch 59 of Wind­­ber, Pa. The Windber members are wonderful people, and we are so glad that we are now one big family that got even bigger. We're looking forward to working together and making Branch 8 even stronger. Again, keep those traditions go­ing! I am thinking of many ventures we can do in the future. Stay tuned. Thank you, WPA, for your sup­port and generosity to allow us to have this wonderful annual frater­nal event. Here's something to think about as we begin a new year: What if you woke up one morning and the only things you had were the things you thanked God for yesterday? Blessings to all of you for a won­derful new year with good health and much happiness. We're looking forward to a very Hungarian and active 2017. If you have any questions about WPA life insurance or annuity plans, please give me a call at 814-242-0000. Branch 13 Trenton, NJ Branch 13 once again participated in Join Hands Day by knitting hats for premature babies born in local hospitals. This year, our volunteers created 400 hats. As in the past, this year we worked in conjunction with the Bor­­dentown branch of the Order of the Eastern Star. They collect hats twice a year from our branch and deliver them to local hospitals, where they are sanitized before distribution. Our thanks to those who helped with this project. Branch 14 Cleveland, OH by Richard E. Sarosi We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Best wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous 2017. If you made New Year's resolutions, good luck in keeping them. My dad, Ernest Sarosi, and I were asked to help with the Radiothon for Cleveland State University's station WCSB-89.3FM, which took place Nov. 12. The Hungarian Hour radio program, hosted by Bob Kita, serves the Hungarian community of Cleveland by announcing activities taking place, including WPA events. This fundraising effort helps to con­tinue the operation of public radio, including the ethnic stations, as they promote Hungarian culture, music and activities. Please support public radio. The Branch 14 Christmas party took place Nov. 19 at the First Hun­garian Reformed Church's Bethlen Hall. Flower Clown turned balloons into rainbows, swords, Christmas trees, flowers, bugs and hats, while Joy the Clown painted butterflies, cat faces, dog faces, flowers and more on the arms and faces of the children and the adults. Dr. U. R. Awesome amazed us with his bubble creations that are large enough to enclose children and adults. He is waiting to receive cer­tification from the Guinness Book of World Records for his world-record size bubbles. Santa Claus was the guest of honor, and the children (and adults) loved him. The island smoothies, pizza, chicken nuggets, french fries, cookies and ice cream were enjoyed by all. The Red, White and Green Raffle prizes were won by the follow­ing: first prize ($400) went to Marty Fortes, second prize ($300) went to Joshua Hovanec, third prize ($200) went to John Kandzer and fourth prize ($100) went to Helen Goczo. Next year, we plan to make some changes to the party and the raffle that I hope will be enjoyed by all. Watch for additional information. The election of the Branch 14 officers took place on Dec. 7. The results are as follows: Caroline H. Lanzara, president; JoAnne Seden­­sky, vice president; Richard Sarosi, secretary-treasurer, and Paul Varga 14 0 January 2017 0 WILLIAM PENN LIFE

