William Penn Life, 2012 (47. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

2012-12-01 / 12. szám

Branch News ABOVE LEFT: Greeting golfers to the Branch 89 golf outing Sept 15 were (front l-r) branch member Michele Wittpenn, the Rev. Judith Tobias, Mary Brown (back, l-r) event coordinator Mark Maskarinec and Branch Coordinator Lisa S. Toth-Maskarinec. ABOVE RIGHT: Among those golf­ing that day were (l-r) Dave Konar, Jack Stack, Branch Vice President Tim Toth and Justin Toth. (Photos by Janet Phillips) garian Reformed Church of Home­stead. This is a 109-year-old church with a dwindling congregation, yet the repairs keep on coming. The weather cooperated with us. After a welcoming address by Branch President John S. Toth, Jr., the lead shot was taken by the Chief Elder of the First Hungarian Reformed Church, Rudolph F. Phillips, also a member of Branch 89. For $75, the golfers received a goodie bag, a day of golf, hot dog and drink at the turn, followed by a buffet dinner. Branch 89 thanks its officers and members for volunteering to make this event a success. Those officers and members in attendance were: President John S. Toth, Jr., Vice President Timothy E. Toth, Secre­tary-Treasurer Ruth Toth, Auditor and Golf Outing Event Coordinator Mark S. Maskarinec, and Branch Coordinator and Auditor Lisa Toth- Maskarinec. Volunteers were: Sandra Ardale, Mary Brown, Casey Howey, Vera Recktosh, Janet Phillips, Rudy Phillips, the Rev. Judith E. Tobias, Kim Toth, and Michele and Devon Wittpenn. It was so nice to have so many volunteers and even more of our members on the course partici­pating in this event. At the banquet, the branch hon­ored the Rev. Alexander Jalso, the former minister of the First Hungar­ian Reformed Church of Homestead, who retired Aug. 31 after 13 years with this church. Rev. Jalso remains an ardent supporter of William Penn Association. The branch presented him with a $50 gift certificate to Giant Eagle and a portrait done by Branch 89's very own Nancy Toth. National Vice President-Fraternal Endre Csornán also presented a gift to Rev. Jalso to mark the occasion. We hope to have 80 golfers and 200 people for our banquet next year. A good time was had by all. We look forward to making this one of many activities to come at our branch the coming year. For any of your life insurance needs, please continue to call Ruth Toth at 412-461-5812. Branch 89 would like to thank William Penn Association and its officers for their continued support and wishes everyone a very blessed Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous new year. Branch 129 Columbus, OH by Debbie Lewis Warmest greetings from Columbus! We wish everyone a blessed Christ­mas and hope everyone gets to spend time with family and friends for the holidays. As 2012 comes to a close, we wish everyone a great start to the new year. May you all be blessed with happiness and good health in the year ahead. We welcome our newest branch members, Logan, Madison and Perri Brock and Mariié and Mason Berger. We congratulate all those cel­ebrating birthdays and anniversaries this month and all those with new additions to their families. We send get well wishes to all who have been sick or hospitalized. Hope all have a speedy recovery. We extend our sympathy to all who have recently lost a loved one. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. For all your life insurance and annuity needs, please contact Arpad Sibrik at 614-231-8024 or Debbie Lewis at 614-875-9968. If you have any news you would like to share, please contact Branch Coordinator Debbie Lewis at 614- 875-9968 or email DAL9968@aol.com. Branch 249 Dayton, OH by Mark Schmidt I hope everyone had a great Thanks­giving. It was good to see our fami­lies again, some traveling from quite a distance. The traditional turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes and all the trimmings were delicious. And, you can't forget the pumpkin pie with whipped cream. Yummy! We hope this month's William Penn Life will be in your hands just in time to remind you of the annual Branch 249 children's Christmas party, to be held Sunday, Dec. 9, at 1:00 p.m. at St. Stephen's Catholic Church. A delicious dinner will be served, and we are expecting a special visit from a "Jolly Old Elf." Please call Michele Daley-LaFlame at 937-278-5970 or Anne Marie Schmidt at 937-667-1211 to make your party reservations. A great Christmas gift idea is the large or small WPA cookbooks. These will be available at the party: the small, soft-cover book for $5; the large, hard-cover for $15. Proceeds 20 0 December 2012 0 William Penn Life

