William Penn Life, 2010 (45. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

2010-12-01 / 12. szám

THE HUNGARIAN CHURCHES OF NEW BRUNSWICK 14 0 December 2010 0 William Pinn Life i Standing on Jaíttajdradítíon {ratemal While visiting New Jersey this summer, I en­joyed the distinct pleasure of exploring several of the Hungarian churches in and near the city of New Brunswick. As many of you know, New Brunswick has historically been home to one of America's largest and most active Hungarian-American communities. Other cities, particularly Cleveland and Pittsburgh, may have larger numbers of Hungarians and more Hungarian churches. But, what makes New Brunswick unique is the tight concentration of so many Hungarian churches in one small area. Not so long ago, you could walk down one three-block section of Somerset Street and hear Hungarian voices singing the praises of the Lord from four houses of worship. A fifth such church was only a few more blocks away. The story of the Hungarian churches of New Brunswick and the sur­rounding area reflects that of Hungarian churches in America. Built by immigrants, these churches became not only places where Hungarians could celebrate their faith together but also focal points for social interaction and providers of shelter, food and comfort for new waves of immigrants. How­ever, over time, these churches have struggled to survive and maintain their Hungarian identity, as the old Hungarian communities which built and supported them slowly dispersed to suburbs miles away and as each new generation melted into American society. Some have succeeded in retain­ing primarily Hungarian congregations; other have kept their doors open by switching to English language services, sharing their facilities with other congregations and serving the needs of the greater community. On the next few pages, we present a glimpse into several of the New Brunswick area's Hungarian churches. Each in its own way, stands as a testament to the power of faith, tradition and the Fraternal Spirit. ^tortj and photos by Jo bn LL ovasz

