William Penn Life, 2004 (39. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

2004-02-01 / 2. szám

Branch News Branch 10 Barton, OH Branch 40 Martins Ferry, OH Branch 248 MonavUle, WV Branch 349 Weirton, WV Branch 8164 Steubenville, OH by Ethel Fodor Christmas came early for members of Branches 10, 40, 248, 349 and 8164 and of the American Hungarian Culture Club when a party was held on Dec. 13 at the American Legion Hall in Martins Ferry, Ohio. Eighty-five people attended the celebration and enjoyed a feast of roast beef, chicken and all the trim­mings. Santa and Mrs. Claus stopped in to greet all the children, listen to their Christmas wishes and give them each a gift bag (provided by the WPA). After dinner, everyone danced to music provided by Joe Jeromos. The branches and the American Hungar­ian Culture Club want to thank the WPA for its assistance in making this a wonderful holiday celebration. Branch 14 Cleveland, OH by Dawn D. Ward Brrrr...is it cold. As we sit through some more record breaking low temperatures, we dream about how things may "heat up" for all adult members of the branch who want to participate in our outing to Casino Windsor on March 24. The cost is $25 per person, and anyone interested should contact Violet Sarosi at 440- 248-9012. Since space is limited, contact Violet as soon as possible to reserve your place. May "Luck be a Lady" for all! Officers elected at the December meeting for the year 2004 were: Caroline Lanzara, president; Emma Oris, vice-president; Richard Sarosi, secretary-treasurer; and Lou Horvath and Virginia Volter, auditors. The branch continues to grow. Our life insurance and annuity products are second to none. Contact Jeff Ward at 440-838-1200 for all of your insur­ance and savings needs. The next branch meeting will be held March 10 at the Bethlen Hall of the First Hungarian Reformed Church located at 14530 Alexander Road, Walton Hills. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. All adult members are welcome to attend to plan the year's activities. Branch 15 ______Chicago, IL _ by Eva Laczina-Voris On Dec. 21, Chicago's Branch 15 held its annual Christmas party. Together with our parish at St. Stephen King of Hungary Church, adults and children alike were able to honor and celebrate one of our most beloved holidays. After Mass, everyone gathered in the church hall where the members of our church treated guests to a fabu­lous presentation about Joseph and Mary's journey to Bethlehem and the birth of Christ. After the production, a light lunch of franks, potato salad and homemade pastries awaited everyone. The children were delighted by the arrival of St. Nicholas, who cheerfully handed gifts to all the boys and girls. Everyone stayed a little longer afterward to chat with and enjoy the company of family members and old friends. We would like to extend a special "thank you" to everyone who helped to make this year's event a success. To all, we wish a very blessed, healthy, happy and successful new year! Branch 18 Lincoln Park, MI by Barbara A. House Happy Valentine's Day to all. Give your special Valentines a big hug and kiss and let them know you love them. Our branch's June trip is sold out. Thank you all for your interest. Our trips really are a lot of fun. The best part is just being together. That reminds me: the Annual Bowling Tournament is coming up. That is a special time to be together. Start thinking about your team members because the paperwork will be in the mail very soon. We are looking forward to seeing all of you. Call me if you would like to bowl. Bowlers are always needed. Here is a list of the next few Branch 18 meetings. Many of our dancing members have called and said Friday is a dancing night. We will see what we can do about changing some of the meeting dates to accommodate our very busy members. Our next meeting will be held Wednesday, March 10, with meetings also scheduled for April 14 and May 12. Both dates fall on a Wednesday. All these meetings will be held at 7:00 p.m. at the Ameri­can Hungarian Reformed Church. As always, you are welcome to attend. Thank you to all your officers and hard-working members for making our Christmas party another spec­tacular success. We had the biggest crowd ever. Our raffle put $1,500 into our treasury. All prizes, except for the television, were donated. We handed out about 100 prizes. Thank you very much. Thanks also to our installing officers Eileen Gonzales and Kay Momtsios for a job well done. And, thanks to all who brought desserts. Thanks, Santa. Next year's party is already booked for Sunday, Nov. 28. That will free up the month of December for all your other holiday festivities. Happy surprise birthday to Jeff Holmes. I hear it's a significant 10 Williu Pen Life, February 2004

