William Penn Life, 2001 (36. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

2001-12-01 / 12. szám

AHF presents Washington awards to designer, historian and professor NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ - The American Hungarian Foundation (AHF) presented its annual George Washington Awards during a gala dinner held in November at the Hotel Waldorf-Astoria in New York. Honored this year were designer Judith Leiber, historian John Lukacs and economics professor Richard E. Quandt. The awards is presented to those individuals who make outstanding contributions to the arts, sciences or business, and whose efforts pro­moted understanding between peoples. The award itself is a minia­ture version of the Washington Statue in Budapest, which was from The Budapest Sun BUDAPEST — Former President George Bush and his wife Barbara concluded their recent trip to Hun­gary with a visit to Parliament, where Bush received the country's highest award. He received the Grand Cross of the Order of The Republic of Hun­gary from President Ferenc Mádl at a ceremony in Parliament's Cupola Hall. Prior to the ceremony, Bush held talks with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. from The Budapest Sun BUDAPEST — The Traditional Christmas Fair and festival in Vörösmarty tér opened Dec. 1 and will continue until Christmas, offering shoppers a festive atmo­sphere of handicrafts, mulled wine and fried sausages. The fair's 104 pavilions - offering everything from dipped candles, pottery and hand-made jewelry - will be open 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. until Dec. 23 and 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve. presented in 1906 as a gift from American Hungarians to the people of Budapest. Leiber was born Judit Pető. She married an American soldier named Gerson Leiber and moved to the United States in 1947. The handbags she designed had a seminal impact on the fashion industry. Lukacs has received honorary degrees from several universities in recognition of his achievements as a historian. In 1946, he, like Leiber, left Hungary. Quandt is a senior research economist at Princeton University and a senior advisor to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. THAT’S A QUESTION YOU MAY not have asked yourself very often, if ever. But, it’s one you should ask yourself at least once a year. We can’t stress enough the importance of regularly checking the beneficiaries listed on your life insurance policies. It is the only way to ensure that the people you want to receive the benefits of your life insurance are the ones who will receive it. Think about the changes that have occurred in your life since you purchased your life insurance. Getting married, having children, losing a loved one, getting di­vorced, getting remarried-all these life changes affect your responsibilities. Do the beneficia­ries currently listed on your life insurance policies reflect such changes? If you think you need to update the beneficiaries listed on your policies--either primary or secondary beneficiaries-contact your WPA representative. Or, call our Home Office toll-free at 1-800-848-7366. Hungary honors former President Bush Christmas Fair brightens Budapest In his presentation speech, Mádl praised the statesman's leadership of America during the collapse of the Soviet empire and Communism and recalled Bush's visit to a newly­­democratized Hungary in 1991. Bush said on accepting the order: "I have only been here 24 hours and I have this great sense of Hungary moving forward with confidence and a sense of determination. "Hungary's strong principled stand with the US is one of the main reasons that I firmly still believe that better days lie ahead/' he said. A 50-foot-tall Christmas tree greets visitors to the square at the Váci utca entrance. The tree, deco­rated with huge honey cakes by folk artists, towers over an almost life­­size nativity scene. Ten-minute nativity plays will run on the hour from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Dec. 21,23 and 24. Between the performances, a puppeteer offers an "angel training" course for children, awarding a diploma decorated with angels to apt pupils. Ililliiim Penn Lile. December 2001 11

