William Penn Life, 1999 (34. évfolyam, 2-12. szám)

1999-12-01 / 12. szám

r Branch 14 ^ Cleveland, OH J by Karen A. Congeni We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoyed the time that was spent with loved ones. And for the loved ones that were not here to share this special time with us, you were in our thoughts and prayers. On Nov. 19, many Branch 14 members enjoyed a "Holiday Ex­travaganza" at the Akron Carousel Dinner Theater. The dinner was fabulous and the show was extrava­gant. We hope everyone enjoyed themselves. I know I did. Welcome new members Joe Congeni, Coredelia Congeni, Samantha Congeni, Thomas Congeni, Robert Congeni, Anthony Congeni Jr., and Shane Morvin. I'm pleased that you are my beloved family and can welcome you to the William Penn family. As Christmas and the new millen­nium fast approach us, lets not forget the ones that have touched our lives so dearly and all our deceased members. May they rest in peace. An urgent update concerning the Branch 14 Christmas party: Due to circumstances beyond our control, the location and time of the party have been changed. The party will be held at the Strongsville Recreation and Senior Complex, 18100 Royalton Road, Strongsville. The party will still be held Saturday, Dec. 18, but will now start at 1:00 p.m. Letters noting these changes were sent to all Branch 14 juvenile members. All officers of Branch 14 wish all WPA members a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you to all members who are active in our branch and support the WPA. f Branch 18 ^ Lincoln Park, Mi J by Barbara A. House I wish all our wonderful members a merry and blessed Christmas and a happy, healthy and wealthy new year 2000. National Director Barbara A. House (right) and members of the Michigan Fraternal Congress Board of Directors watch as Michigan Gov. John Engler signs a proclamation declaring the first two weeks of October 2000 as fraternal weeks in the state. In October I was privileged to meet with Gov. John Engler at the state capitol. The Board of directors of the Michigan Fraternal Congress had asked the governor to declare the first two weeks of October 2000 as fraternal weeks. This October he signed the proclamation. We all know the many benefits of fraternals. If you have family mem­bers or friends who don't belong to a fraternal, ask them to join. We offer many benefits, including orphans benefits, scholarships and social and recreational activities. Remember: Fraternals are families. Hearty welcome to our new fraternalists: Hannah Fischer, Aaron J. Stubbs and Alexander, Angel, Jessica and Rachel Boswell. Thank you for choosing the WPA. Happy December birthday to Mary Ecsedi, Elmer Toth, Michael Tomcsak and Bob Kantor. May you all have many more. Please remember the families of our deceased members during these first holidays: John Alex, Edward Czilli and Elizabeth Szilagyi. May they rest in peace. Joe Baranyi lost his wife of many years, Mary, on Nov. 19. Please remember Joe in your prayers. We are all here for you, Joe. Mary will be missed. I recently saw Lou Almassy. He is looking well. Congratulations on your new home with your family. It is lovely. Continued get well wishes also to Helen Nagy. Nice to see you at our last meeting. You are a true fratemalist. My friend, bowling partner and traveling companion is retiring. Happy retirement, Dougie. You deserve some time to yourself now. Enjoy! The Hungarian American Cultural Center (HACC) is sponsoring a Hungarian New Years Eve. Joe Jeromos and his Tokay Orchestra will entertain us. He even promised to bring a cimbalom player. I am chairing the event this year. Tickets are $45.00. Please call me if you would like to attend. Our next branch meeting will be held Jan. 7, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. at the HACC. We will be planning three trips for next year. Please come with your suggestions. Again, thank you for your support of your branch this year. We have had a great year. You have all showed true fraternalism. May we continue on for many years to come. Have a lovely holiday season. Please call me for all your life insurance needs~or if you have news to share-anytime at (313) 383-4472. Branch 28 'h \ Youngstown, OH J by Kathy Novak How incredible it seems to be coming to he end of another year so soon. May all our readers have a won­derful and joyous holiday season. May you create many new memories to carry into the next century. Once again Branch 28 wishes to thank the Home Office for all the support and items for the Christmas goody bags given to the children at our Christmas party. More details about this Dec. 11 event, along with results from our branch elections, will be coming in January. In lieu of making holiday baskets, Branch 28 chose to add to the Home 10 Hilllui hi» life. December 1999

