William Penn Life, 1988 (23. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)
1988-01-01 / 1. szám
t. j|^V ..«)U MkdltW , »; jX*) Page 4, William Penn Life, January 1988 Branch News Branch 1 Bridgeport, CT The members of Branch 1 helped make this past Christmas a special one for resident patients at the Dinan Memorial Center and its Tedesco Annex. The branch participated in a Christmas gift project for Dinan patients without immediate family members. The project was sponsored by the Center’s Auxiliary and its Marian Volunteers. For its support, the branch received a letter of appreciation signed by Center and project officials. "Your participation . . . can only bring a deep feeling of happiness and pleasure to those patients that they were not among the forgotten ones but were remembered during the Christmas season,” the letter said. Branch 13 Trenton, NJ By Elsie H. Radvany Branch 13 Secretary Being branch coordinator, I am very happy to report that I’ve gotten may telephone calls from members telling me how much they enjoy reading the William Penn Life. Our congratulations to the staff for a very interesting and informative fraternal paper. Branch 13 held its annual meeting and family Christmas party on Dec. 6. President Frank J. Radvany gave a very detailed report of the events which transpired in the fraternal life of the William Penn in the year 1987. He also stated that Branch 13 donated a Thanksgiving basket to a needy family. Election of officers for 1988 was held, and the following were unanimously elected: Frank J. Radvany, president; Joseph Hamari, vice president; Elsie H. Radvany, secretary; Anthony C. Beke, treasurer; and Margaret Hamari, controller. Steve Barnacz duly installed the newly elected officers. President Radvany extended Christmas greetings to everyone on behalf of the National Officers, Board of Directors, Advisory Board, Auditing Committee and branch officers. The festivities were enhanced by the sound of beautiful Christmas carols. The children were happy to receive gifts, and refreshments were enjoyed by all. Two boxes of chocolates were raffled and were won by Mr. Beke and Mr. Barnacz. Branch 13 thanks the Home Office for its generous contribution to our party. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John E. Radvany II on the birth of their son, John Eugene Radvany III, and to Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Kremper on the birth of their son, Mark Jude Kremper Jr. Our monthly meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the American Hungarian Democratic Citizens’ Club on South Clinton Avenue, Trenton. If interested in obtaining insurance, please contact Elsie H. Radvany, 2006 Yardley Road, Morrisville, Pa. 19067, phone (215) 295-2222. Branch 14 Cleveland, OH There were 84 children and 102 adults at Branch 14’s Christmas party Dec. 12, making it a recordbreaking crowd. Lucky the Clown painted the children’s faces and made animal shapes out of balloons for them. Everyone then enjoyed a fabulous magic show starring Leigh Hotz. After a buffet dinner which featured sloppy joes, hot dogs, pizza and refreshments, Santa and Mrs. Claus arrived with gifts for all the children. One person mentioned Santa and his wife bore a striking resemblance to Branch President Rose Kaul and her husband Chuck. What a coincidence! Dawn Ward, Christmas party chairwoman, said she is looking forward to even bigger and better Christmas parties as the branch continues to increase its juvenile membership. The leftover toys from the party were donated to Toys-for- Tots. At the branch’s December meeting, the following officers were elected: Rose Kaul, president; Ron Perkins, vice president; Ernie Sarosi, treasurer; Stan Dorulla, secretary; Irene Evans and Chuck Kaul, auditors; and Gene Toth, sergeant-at-arms. We invite all members to attend branch meetings on the second Wednesday of the month at the VFW Hall, 4116 Rockside Road, Independence, Ohio. We would like to extend belated congratulations to Branch 14 member Donna Borowski, who received her degree in Nursing from Cuyahoga Community College in June 1986. Mrs. Borowski is the mother of three sons —Joey, 7, Michael, 5, and Matthew, 1 — all of whom are William Penn members. She also earned a B.A. degree in psychology and early childhood education from Ursuline College in 1979. But becoming a registered nurse was always her goal. She credits her mother, Mrs. Margaret Kerosky (a member of Branch 14) in helping her attain her goals by watching her children while attending college. Mrs. Borowski was inducted into Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities. She currently works in the maternity ward of Brentwood Hospital, Warrensville Heights, Ohio. Donna, we’re proud of your accomplishments and pleased to have you as a member. We are always looking to continue to build the branch with Donna Borou/ski, RN, a member of Branch 14 Cleveland, Ohio. new members, especially juvenile members. Call the Ward Agency at (216) 238-8500 for a complete review of your insurance. Branch 16 Perth Amboy, NJ By Michaelene Mirkovich Branch 16 Reporter On behalf of all the members of Branch 16,1 would like to extend congratulations to all the newly elected officers, especially to our branch President Michael Hrabar on his election as a national director and to George Mirkovich on his election as an alternate director. Our annual family Christmas party and election of branch officers was held on Dec. 6 at St. Nicholas Byzantine Church. A report on the party and election will appear in the next issue of the William Penn Life. Branch 18 Detroit, MI By Barbara House Branch 18 Secretary The children’s Christmas party was held on Dec. 5 with 62 children in attendance. Darlene the Clown entertained our guests. Thanks Darlene. Santa Claus made his appearance and handed out gifts. All in all the children had a great time. Darlene and Andy Toth are signing up children almost every day for new insurance policies. At their present rate we should have double the number of children at next year’s party. James Lochinger would like to tell his wife Kathy "Happy Anniversary and thank you for 30 wonderful years” on Nov. 26. Darlene Szatmári and her dance group sponsored a Christmas theme card party. As usual this annual event was a sell-out. The prizes were Christmas-oriented and helped to put everyone in the mood for the holiday season. Our dancers also put on a benefit dance concert to help out the Southgate High School band. The band has been asked to appear at Disney World on New Years Eve. The concert helped the band earn enough money to make the trip. Good work, dancers! The newly elected officers of Branch 13 Trenton, N.J. are: (front, from left) Margaret Hamari, controller, Elsie H. Radvany, secretary; (back) Joseph Hamari, vice president; Frank J. Radvany, president; and Anthony C. Beke, treasurer. Irene and Rudy Korpák recently returned from Florida. Along the way they visited with our "first lady”, Julia Danko. Now they must perform the difficult task of returning to reality. Welcome back. Branch 18 held its election of officers on Dec. 7 and the following were elected: Stephen Danko, president; John Molnár and Andy Toth, vice presidents; Barbara House, secretary; Ed Beres, treasurer; Stephen P. Danko, controller; Betty Kocsis, Jim Lochinger, Joe Soter, Frank Tima and Frank Kender, auditors; Darlene Szatmári, fraternal coordinator; and Steve Szalai and Ernie Ecsedi, members-at-large. Congratulations to all. Our ladies auxiliary held its election on Dec. 21 and its Christmas Party on Dec. 19. Results will appear in the next issue. Wishing good health and prosperity to everyone in the new year. Thank you for a successful 1987. Branch 19 New Brunswick, NJ By Ruth Vasvary Branch 19 Vice President Our branch held its annual election of officers on Dec. 7 at the Bayard Street Presbyterian Church Hall. Re-elected were the incumbents: Joseph Arvay, president; Ruth Vasvary, vice president; Barbara Hegedűs, secretary; Irene Evans, treasurer; and Alex Horvath, Louis Keller and Anthony Vass, auditors. Our family Christmas party was held on Dec. 6 at the church hall. Joseph Arvay, chairman of the national Board of Directors, welcomed the guests. He introduced Agency Manager Alexander Hody and all the officers of Branch 19. Mr. Hody was asked to say a few words to which he complied. Our entertainment was Jonjie the Clown, a magician who it seems is always a welcome part of the party. The Rev. Joseph Bodnar of the Bayard Street Church led the singing of the Christmas carols, accompanied by Helen Nemeth on the organ. Santa and Mrs. Claus (Arlene Vasvary Miller) arrived and presented the children with gifts and candy. A buffet supper was then enjoyed by all. We extend best wishes to all our members for a happy, healthy, and prosperous 1988. Just to make sure the new year is a good one, here’s a little recipe you might want to try: Recipe for a Happy New Year Do not attempt to make up the whole batch at one time, for it works best if you work on it just one day at a time. Into each day put: 12 parts of Confidence 11 of Patience 10 of Grit 9 of Elbow Grease 8 of Faith 7 of Hope 6 of Charity 5 of Kindness 4 of Prayer 3 of Rest 2 of Meditation and 1 Carefully Selected Resolution Then add about a cupful of Folly, a jigger of Laughter, a sprinkling of Play and a heaping cupful of Good Humor. Cook thoroughly in a fervent heat, garnish with a lot of Smiles, a sprig of Joy. Then serve quietly with Unselfishness and Cheerfulness and a Happy New Year is a certainty. Branch 22 Roebling, NJ Branch 22 held its final branch meeting of 1987 on Dec. 12 at which the annual election and swearing in of officers for the coming year were conducted. Branch officers for 1988 are: Dale A. Cole, president; Dennis Kish, vice president; Jennifer Emri, secretary; Barbara Emri, treasurer; and Elizabeth Cheeseman, auditor. After the meeting our branch Christmas party was held and enjoyed by all. The juvenile members were treated to movies and a visit from Santa, who brought gifts for each child. Christmas greetings were extended to all by National Vice ----------Continued on Page 5