William Penn Life, 1985 (20. évfolyam, 1-6. szám)
1985-01-01 / 1. szám
OFFICIAL PUBLICATION WILLIAM PENN ASSOCIATION Volume 20 January - February 1985 Number 1 hhhhhhhhihhhhhhihhhhmhhhhhhhhhhbhhhhhhhbhhhhhhhhhhbhhhhhhhhrhhhsimhbhnhnhhhnhmhhh Here We Are—Itt Vagyunk!! Our New Look William Penn Life is the official communications medium between the members of the Association and the Home Office. Most every fraternal benefit society uses its newspaper to keep the members informed. The history of the William Penn Life is varied and colorful. From among the societies which merged into William Penn, the Workingmen’s Sick Benefit Federation published the first fraternal publication in the Hungarian language August 1912. Publication was Összetartás (Unity). In 1918, the Verhovay Aid Association published its first newspaper tl*!od Verhovayak Lapja (Verhovay Journal) and in 1923, the Rákóczi Aid Association began publishing the Rákóczi Szemle (Rákóczi Review). All publications were of the tabloid newspaper type. Monthly publication eventually became a bi-weekly publication in the Hungarian and English language. This required the services of both an English and Hungarian editor. In the writing of the Association’s history, we shall mention the many editors who served the Association. Eventually, however, the National Officers became coeditors. The William Penn Association, after the Verhovay- Rákóczi Merger decided to follow the lead of the larger fraternals and went from a tabloid to magazine-type publication in 1966. The publication was titled The Torch. Aesthetically, this was nice, but because of cost, the monthly magazine was reduced to a quarterly publication and became the William Penn Life in 1968, its present name. Slowly the 8 pages of Hungarian text dwindled because of lack of interest. The quarterly publication did not provide sufficient information about fraternal activities on the local Branch level. The present Board of Directors and National Officers reviewed this problem and concluded that in order to have an effective publication, a monthly issue, in tabloid form, would best serve the needs of the Association. Atter considering costs, it was finally decided that commencing January, 1985, we would publish a tabloid form William Penn Life every other month, with the option of making this a monthly publication if the membership so desires. Accordingly, we send off this first edition with high hopes of bringing our Branch activities into better focus and thereby encouraging inactive or semi-active Branches to become fully active fulfilling their fraternal aims and goals. We urge all Branches to designate one member to act as reporter, who will send news about the Branch to the home office for publication. Deadline dates will be found in each issue. All reporters are requested to adhere to these deadlines so that your Branch items see timely publication. We look forward to renewed interest on the part of the Branches and would like to see this new enthusiasm reach the point where the Board of Directors will authorize a monthly issue. Next official due date for all material submitted March 7, 1985.