William Penn Life, 1977 (12. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

1977-01-01 / 1. szám

(Continued from Page Twelve) Sunday, December 19th was a huge suc­cess with over 100 members and guests in attendance. The meal was prepared by the Club and it was excellent as well as the punch. Many thanks to the cooks and bartender for their hard work. After the meal some of the members and guests had to go bowling but quite a number stayed and sang Christmas carols. Mr. Szilagyi, Vice President of Marketing, said a fewT words and then very graciously helped us sing carols (both American and Hungarian) — the ladies enjoyed his beautiful voice. The William Penn Mixed Bowling League is about half way through the season and the team enjoying first place is Molnár Funeral Home consisting of Delores Yuhasz, Helen Molnár, John Yuhasz and John Molnár. The league is still bowling at the Thunderbowl Lanes at 4:15 p.m. every other Sunday and enjoys it very much. Well, 1976 will soon be just a memory and while it was a very successful sea­son for Branch 18, Branch 18 Social Club and the Ladies Auxiliary, it was also a very sorrowful one because of the death of a few hard working members; namely, Gaspar Papp, Suzanna Nelinger and Irma Herr—just to name a few. It is a little sorrowful for me, too, as this will be my last article. I did not run for re-election as Branch Secretary so I will not be sending in any more art­icles. I would like to thank everyone for their kind words and cooperation and, while it is a little late for a Merry Christmas it is not too late to wish everyone a VERY HAPPY AND PROS­PEROUS NEW YEAR! MAY GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU! Elvira Kubovics 19 NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. The Children’s Annual Christmas Party was held on Sunday, December 5th, 1976 at the Bayard Street Presby­terian Church Hall. Branch President Joseph Arvay welcomed everyone after which National Director Michael Hege­dűs also welcomed them and spoke about the Life and Health Insurance and Annuities of our Association and also the Scholarship Funds available to Col­lege bound youth of William Penn, and wished everyone an enjoyable time. There was the usual Christmas Carol­ing led by the Rev. Joseph Bodnar of the Bayard Street Presbyterian Church, followed by an hour of entertainment by Jonjie the Clown. Then came the ap­pearance of Jolly Santa (Ed Miller) and the distribution of candy and gifts, also refreshments. We took a few pictures but not with much luck as can be seen on the pictures, except for one clear one with the six Wescott children, all Wil­liam Penn members since zero age, namely: Back row—L. to R. Christopher, Patricia, James; Front row—L. to R. Marianne, Eileen and Julie Marie. They are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald 0. Wescott of Edison and the grand­children of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nemeth of Highland Park, all members of Wil­liam Penn. The election of officers was held on Monday, December 6th, 1976. All incum­bents were reelected for the year 1977, after which they were installed by Na­tional Director Michael Hegedűs. The Cook Book with recipes compiled by Branch 19 in the Hungarian Special­ties and Other Favorites can again be had, the only difference is the cover for $3.20 benefit of the William Penn Scholarship Fund. Did you know? “These cook books are presented as a gift to anyone ac­quiring a New Policy with William Penn!” For your insurance needs please call Michael Hegedűs at 249-7752. Wishing everyone a healthy, happy, prosperous 1977. Barbara Hegedűs 22 ROEBLING, N.J. The Branch held its annual meeting December 28, 1976 and the following officers were elected: Bela Emri, Presi­dent; John Suth, Vice President; Ann Bordash, Recording Secretary; Zoltán B. Emri, Secretary-Treasurer: George Bucs and Mary Szisz, Auditors. This was the 21st consecutive year Mr. Bela Emri has been elected President of Branch 22. Our congratulations to him and may he enjoy good health to serve many more years. (Ed.) The William Penn cookbooks are avail­able from any of the Branch Officers. I highly recommend this cookbook, they are very useful and make very good gifts. Proceeds from the sale of the cookbooks by the Branch are for the benefit of the William Penn Scholarship Foundation, a most worthwhile project. The Officers wish all of our members a very prosperous New Year. Our monthly meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday at 7:30 P.M. at the Roebling Rescue Squad Building, Horn­berger and 2nd Avenues. Zoltán B. Emri Branch Manager 24 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS I am happy to report Branch 24 had a wonderful Christmas Party December 12, 1976, Sunday afternoon at the Ivan­­hoe Park Field House Hall. Branch President Mr. Charles Akai greeted the children and grown ups. Our program was short and the children played games followed by the singing of Christmas carols. Then came the arrival of good old Santa. Santa distributed toys and goodies to all the children, while delicious refresh­ments were served. We are sure every­one had a very enjoyable afternoon. The officers and members of Branch 24 thank the home office for its gener­ous contribution in helping make our Christmas Party a success. The officers and members of Branch 24 wish all a very happy holiday season and a prosperous and healthy New Year. Branch 24 held its election of officers December 12, 1976, 8 p.m., at the Ivan­­hoe Park Field House Hall, 144th and Stewart, Riverdale, IL. The following members were elected officers for 1977: Charles Akai, President; Gyula Hetro­­vicz, Vice President: Bert Garszik, Re­cording Secretary; Betty Hartley, Treas­urer; Betty Akai, Corresponding Secre­tary and Reporter; Penny Hartley, Auditor. After the meeting delicious refresh­ments were served. Would like again to remind our fellow members of our new time and place for our regular monthly meetings. We meet every second Sunday afternoon, 2:30 p.m. at the Ivanhoe Park Field House Hall, 144 and Stewart in L to R: Bert Garszik, Betty Akai, Charles Akai, Penny Hartley, Gyula Getrovicz and Betty Hartley, 14

