William Penn Life, 1975 (10. évfolyam, 2-4. szám)
1975-04-01 / 2. szám
ELIGIBILITY RULES FOR WILLIAM PENN FRATERNAL ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION, INC. GRANTS 1. The Board of Directors, William Penn Fraternal Association Scholarship Foundation, Inc. has established the following rules, which must be adhered to in order for anyone to be eligible for a scholarship grant. a) It is required that the father or mother of the applicant be a beneficial member of the William Penn Association. b) The student applying for scholarship grant must be a beneficial member of the William Penn Association as of January 1st of the year for which application is made, or must be the child of a deceased member. c) Only those students may apply for scholarship grants who have been accepted by or are already attending an accredited college or university, or school of nursing. A trahscript of the applicant’s scholastic record must be attached to the application. d) A scholarship grant can be awarded to full time students only. e) Parents of applicants must file confidential financial statement on form provided by the Foundation and all other necessary information which may be required. f) Scholarship grants will be awarded by the Executive Committee of the William Penn Fraternal Association Scholarship Foundation, Inc. once each year in the month of June, all applications must be received at the Home Office by May 31 st. g) Grants will be paid directly to the applicant and not to the school which he or she is attending, provided he or she is a member in good standing on date award checks are issued. h) Grants are awarded for 4 year period. In order to be considered for scholarship grants in successive years, the student must submit scholastic record and proof of enrollment each year. 2. The Board of Directors of the William Penn Scholarship Foundation, Inc. Official Publication of the William Penn Association Editor-in-Chief ELMER CHARLES Associate Editor ALBERT J. STELKOVICS Assistant to the Editor JULIUS E. SOMOGYI Editor's Office: 429 FORBES AVENUE PITTSBURGH. PA. 15219 Area Code 412 281-8950 Office of Publication: 429 Forbes Ave.. Pittsburgh. Pa. 15219 Published Quarterly: January April July October WILLIAM PENN ASSOCIATION 429 Forbes. Ave.. Pittsburgh. Pa. 15219 Second class postage paid at Pittsburgh. Pa. and at additional mailing offices. awards scholarship grants in two categories, namely: Category I. For financial need. Category II. The annual donation by the William Penn Association is to be used for qualifiers who are pursuing a full-time college course, majoring in insurance marketing, provided that the recipient agrees in writing to sign an employment contract with the William Penn Association after successfully completing his college course in insurance marketing. 3. Applications for scholarship grants and other necessary forms may be obtained by writing directly to the William Penn Fraternal Association Scholarship Foundation, Inc. , 429 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219 or by contacting your local Branch Manager. Holiday Bowl Midwest Inc., 4747 N. Harlem Ave., Chicago, III. 60656 4th Annual Continued from page 1 are limited to the number of people attending. No tickets will be sold at the door. All members and friends from Western Pennsylvania are cordially invited to participate. The Committee FRATERNAL Continued from page 1 of Flag Birth Day’ on June 14, 1885, with a flag ten inches high, carrying 38 stars, standing in a bottle on the teacher’s desk. After thirty-one years of crusading by Dr. Cigrand, President Woodrow Wilson on June 14, 1916, proclaimed the national observance of Flag Day. ” In a 1917 Flag Day message, President Wilson said: “This flag which we honor and under which we serve, is the emblem of our unity, our power, our thought and purpose as a nation. It has no other character than that which ice give it from generation to generation. The choices are ours. ’’ For many years fraternalists who are members of the National Fraternal Congress of America and the members of National Fraternal Flag Day Foundation, have continued the cause taken up by Dr. Cigrand and the challenge given by President Wilson. Thus, each year a seven day period ending on Flag Day is known as “Fraternal Week." The National Fraternal Flag Day Foundation has made a simple, quiet shrine of the stony Hill Schoolhouse. Each year, “Foundation” members conduct a flag raising ceremony in the schoolyard to help make the American Flag and the lessons in Americanism it represents more meaningful to all Americans. WILLIAM PENN ASSOCIATION TO SPONSOR TOUR TO HUNGARY IN 1976 The Board of Directors have authorized the sponsorship of a tour to Hungary during the year 1976, thus affording many of our members the opportunity to visit the native land of their forefathers who came to this Country many decades ago. There will be a membership drive connected with the Tour thereby assuring participants of earning enough credits to pay for part or all of the airfare. Contest will begin July 1, 1975. In order for management to make some plans, all those who will want to participate are requested to complete the coupon below and mail to the Home Office before June 1,1975. I am interested in Tour to Hungary in 1976: NAME: ______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:___________________________________________________________ I am interested in 2 week tour. 3 week tour 4 week tour I will participate in Membership contest YES NO 2