William Penn Life, 1974 (9. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)
1974-01-01 / 1. szám
NEW PRESIDENT OF U.M.W.A. Dist. 5, TESTIMONIAL 31st National Bowling Tournament For thirty years now the William Penn Association has sponsored a Bowling Tournament where the bowlers of the various branches throughout the country gather for a week-end of bowling for valuable prizes and a week-end of fun and frolicing, renewing old friendships and making new ones. The 31st National Tournament will be held in Detroit, Michigan May 25- 26, 1974. The Tournament Co-Administrators are Directors Rev. Andrew P. Jacobs and John P. Veszprémi, Jr. with Mr. Gus G. Nagy Field- Assistant to the President coordinating. As of this writing of course none of us know, how if at all the gasolene shortage will effect plans for our National Tournament. Only once before, during W.W. II were changes necessary. We do not know what will happen but we are making plans with the Tournament hoping everything will be alright and our annual get-together will be successful. The second annual Scholarship Dinner-Dance is also scheduled for the City of Detroit to coincide with the Tournament. As of this writing plans for the Dinner-Dance are not complete, however, Branch membership will be kept informed via the Branch Meetings and Branch Officers as to when and where the Dinner-Dance will be held. The annual meeting of the Scholarship Foundation is also scheduled for Detroit for Saturday, May 25, 1974. Our Branch Officers will be kept informed of progress in all of the three foregoing plans, therefore, all interested members are urged to be in touch with the Branch Officers for further information. A perfect example of Unionism and Fratemalism working together was exemplified Saturday, December 1, 1973 in United Church of Christ Hall, Springdale, Pennsylvania, when Branch 296, Springdale, Pa. and the Springdale United Church of Christ jointly sponsored a Testimonial Dinner to honor Louis A. Antal, Jr., newly elected President of United Mine Workers of America District 5. The social hall of the Church was filled to capacity with friends, coworkers and fellow fraternalists gathered to pay tribute to one who has struggled and fought against the corruption in his Union; to one who has brought honesty, decency and domocracy back into that Union, the United Mine Workers of America which has been the Union of thousands of our William Penn coal-miner members. The evenings program served to provide those in attendance with knowledge and information about Mr. Antal’s more than thirty years of dedicated service to the cause of the coal miners plight. Mr. John P. Balia, President of Branch 296, welcomed the assembled guests on behalf of the membership. He then introduced Mr. Elmer Charles, National President of the William Penn Association, as the Toastmaster for the evenings program. Mr. Charles extended greetings and explained how the William Penn Association through its varied and modern insurance programs has afforded Union members with the type of life insurance benefits needed to protect their families, and how through proper programming Unionism and Fraternalism go hand in hand. Toastmaster next called upon George Charles, Jr. to lead the audience in the singing of the National Anthem. This was followed with the invoca- Continued on Page 2 L. to R. Louis Antal, President UMWA District 5, Arnold Miller, President UMWA, Elmer Charles, National President William Penn Association