William Penn Life, 1973 (8. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)
1973-01-01 / 1. szám
VOLUME 8 JANUARY, 1973 NUMBER 1 ANNUAL MEETING NOTICE SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION NEWS In compliance with Article IV, Section 1 (as amended) the annual meeting of the William Penn Fraternal Association Scholarship Foundation, Inc. is called for Saturday, May 26, 1973 at 2:00 P. M. Statler-Hilton Hotel, Cleveland, Ohip for the purpose of electing Directors and for the transaction of such other business as may be necessary. All Branches which are voting members of the Foundation are to submit the name of their representative to the National Secretary at the Home Office by May 1, 1973. All voting members of the Foundation are respectfully requested to attend this annual meeting. John Sabo, President Joseph Toma, Secretary Children’s Christmas Parties Once again all reports from the Branches indicate that the 1972 Childrens’ Christmas Parties held at the several Branches were very successful despite the faot that in a number of cities the inclement weather limited the attendance. We are publishing the pictures that were sent in together with the write-ups of those who took the time to write for the official publication. From the pictures one can see that all who attended these functions enjoyed themselves. The following Branches held Christmas Parties, if your Branch is not listed, perhaps next year your Branch will also sponsor a party. All that is needed is a few dedicated people to volunteer to assist and then success is assumed. From the Home Office we express gratitude to those Branch Officers and Members who contributed to the success of the 1972 Children Parties. 8 Johnstown, Pa., 13 Trenton, N. J., 14 Cleveland, Ohio, 15 Chicago, 111., 16 Perth Amboy, N. J., 17 Lorain, Ohio, 18 Detroit, Mich., 19 New Brunswick, N. J., 24 Chicago, 111., 26 Sharon, Pa., 27 Toledo, Ohio, 28 Youngstown, Ohio, 34 Pittsburgh, Pa., 45 Cleveland, Ohio, 48 New York, N. Y., 51 Passaic, N. J., 52 Windber, Pa., 56 Detroit, Mich., 59 Scalp Level, Pa., 70 Newark, N. J., 71 Duquesne, Pa., 76 Philadelphia, Pa., 88 Yatesboro, Pa., 89 Homestead, Pa., 90 Allentown, Pa., 129 Columbus, Ohio, 132 South Bend, Ind., 189 Alliance, Ohio, 214 Flint, Mich., 226 McKeesport, Pa., 249 Dayton, Ohio, 278 Omaha, Neb., 296 Springdale, Pa., 383 Buffalo, N. Y., 525 Los Angeles, Cal. Once again we wish to remind all members who are in college and would like to apply for Scholarship Grant that they must complete their application and submit to the Home Office by March 1, 1973. 30th National Bowling Tournament and Scholarship Days For' the past 29 years the Association has sponsored a National Bowling Tournament and Fellowship Days fraternal activity on the Memorial Day week-end. This year when the 30th National Bowling Tournament is to be held, Scholarship Days are combined with this great event. The Board of Directors of the William Penn Association felt that the Scholarship program, intended to aid the youth of our Association, could be very well combined with the Bowling Tournament and so the year 1973 will be the first such experiment. The Tournament Administrator is Director Albert G. Kertesz, Dayton, Ohio who reports that the Statler-Hilton Hotel in Cleveland, Ohio will be the Headquarters and the Star Dust Lanes have been reserved for the Bowling Tournament. Director John Sabo is coordinating the Scholarship activities of the week-end. Branch 14, Cleveland, Ohio (East Side) and Branch 45, Cleveland, Ohio (West Side) are the host Branches. The Committee is hard at work making preparation for the coming activities. All required entry forms and detailed information are being mailed to the Team Captains of record. For all matters regarding the 1973 Bowling Tournament, please write to Ronald Karnya, Bowling Tournament Secretary whose address is: 2823 East 118th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44116. Telephone: (216) 991-7589. The Administrators Officers, Board of Directors and Local Committee cordially invites all William Penn Branches to send teams to this Tournament and to send as many members and friends to the Dinner-Dance to be held Saturday night. Detailed information will be mailed to all Branches and please read the April issue of the WILLIAM PENN LIFE for further information on this most exciting week-end on May 26-27, 1973 in Cleveland, Ohio. Applications received after that date will not be considered for the 1973-1974 academic year. Those who have already received Scholarship Grants must reapply if they want to he considered by the Awards Committee again. Rules and application forms are available from your Branch Manager and from the Home Office. We now have 28 Branches which have adopted Resolution to become voting members of the Scholarship Foundation and have organized Scholarship Foundation chapters at their respective Branches. It is still not too late for other Branches to join in this activity. It would be really an outstanding achievement if by the date of the annual meeting in May, 1973 we could announce 100% participation by our Branches. If your Branch is not as yet a voting member of the Foundation, please take the required action to so become. A general committee of 40 William Penn Branch Officers from the Western Pennsylvania area has been formed for the purpose of sponsoring a Scholarship Ball on Saturday, March 17, 1973 at 9:00 P. M. in Pittsburgh, Pa. As of this date the following Branches comprise the Committee: Branch 8, Johnstown, Pa., Branch 34, Pittsburgh, Pa., Branch 71 Duquesne, Pa., Branch 89 Homestead, Pa., Branch 226 McKeesport, Pa., Banch 296 Springdale, Pa., and 349 Weirton, W. Va. Any other area Branch which was invited to attend the January 7th meeting, but could not, are cordially invited to attend the next Geneal Committee Meeting to be held Sunday, February 4, 1973 at the American-Hungarian Hall, Hazelwood Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. The purpose of this Scholarship Ball is two-fold, first to raise funds for the Scholarship Foundation and secondly to afford an opportunity of an evening’s entertainment and fellowship for those who believe strongly in the aims of the Scholarship program. For further details, please contact the respective Branch Presidents or the Home Office. Contributions to the Fund were gratifying for the last quarter of the year but hardly sufficient enough to carry out our goals, so please continue to send your contributions. (Continued on page 2)