William Penn Life, 1972 (7. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

1972-01-01 / 1. szám

the next issue, Easter will be the current holiday — so with that — we hope all will have a Happy Easter. Any news or pictures of interest (must be black and white) can be forwarded to me for publication for which I thank you. Keep in touch — till we meet again. Julie Melnick, Reporter 89 Homestead, Pa. Homestead Branch 89 held their Chil­dren’s Christmas Party in the recreation hall of the Hungarian Reformed Church of Homestead. The party was well attended by the Branch children and their parents. The party got off to a grand start with everyone singing Christmas Carols and getting into the real Christmas spirit. After exercising our voices, movies were shown by the Field Supervisor, Mr. Gus Nagy, and the children enjoyed them immensely. During the movies, refreshments were served. However, the most exciting mo­ment was to come with the arrival of the most awaited guest, Santa Claus, who came bounding in with his HO, HO, HO’s. The expression on the faces of the children was something to behold. Their eyes were so bright and shining and they were bursting with questions and requests for Santa which pleased Santa to no end. After Santa answered their questions and sang a few songs with them, he distributed the gifts along with a bag of goodies for each child. We of Branch 89 agreed that this year’s Christmas party was a great success and enjoyed by young and old alike. After the Christmas party, Homestead Branch 89 held their monthly meeting, the main purpose of business being the Election of Officers for the year of 1972. The following Officers were elected and installed by Field Supervisor, Mr. Gus Nagy: John S. Toth, Sr., President; Elmer W. Toth, Sec.-Treas.; Betty Kohut and George Wr.llick. Auditors; Bert Priam and Ruth D. Toth. Publicity. Elmer W. Toth, Sec.-Treas. 129 Columbus, Ohio The Annual Children’s Party which was held at the William Penn Club Home was a great success. Mrs. Emma Bolar, Enter­tainment Chairman introduced Mr. David George, Branch 129 President, followed by a short program and singing of Carols by the audience. Refreshments were served, and finally, just what the children had been waiting for, Santa made his appearance and passed out gifts. A gay time was had by all. It was indeed an honor to have Mr. David George and Mr. Lou Miller repre­sent Branch 129 at the William Penn National Convention. Election of Officers was held December 8, 1971, and the Officers for the year 1972 are: David George, President; Lou Miller. Vice-President; Irene Voss, Secretary; Steve Pirik, Treasurer; Charles Boso and Alex Santo, Auditors. Congratulations are in order for Miss Patti Boucher on her graduating from the Ohio School of Cosmetology, and also to brothers Frank and Douglas Mészáros on their graduating from Ohio State Univer­sity. We wish them great success in the future. Members please make note that our regular Branch Meetings are held the second Wednesday of every month at 7:30 P. M. Please make an effort to at­tend. A Happy and Prosperous New Year to All! Irene Voss, Branch Secretary 189 Alliance, Ohio Many activities were enjoyed by mem­bers of Branch 189, Alliance, Ohio. The Christmas Dinner and Dance by the Ath­letic Club was a gala event. The Officers and Board of Directors Steak Dinner, to which all the wives are guests is always a pleasureable time, recalling memories of our elder by-gone members, who made this event a tradition. However, the most festive of all events was the Children’s Christmas Party, with the coming of Santa Claus, played by Michael Korosy, Secre­tary of Branch 189. Ninety children sang Christmas Carols, under the direction of Penny Duruttya, who also led the chil­dren in playing games, with all winning prizes! Well filled stockings and refresh­ments were enjoyed by all the children. Special thanks to President Michael Duruttya, Board members, Robert Hahlan, John Francis and Michael Korosy for being Santa’s helpers! Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Barany on being our new club managers! They are doing a very fine job as mana­gers. We wish you all the best there is to offer, Ann and John! Congratulations also to S-Sgt. and Mrs. Barry Buzogány, on the birth of their new son! The proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Mike Buzogány. Mr. Buzogány is Branch 189’s Treasurer. Our deepest and sincere sympathy goes out to the families of Dr. W. Thomas Boyce, Mrs. Steven Czakel. Mrs. Joseph Nemeth, Mrs. Anna Pall, Mr. Raymond Poorbaugh, Mrs. Joseph Soos, and Mr. Walter Orpha, at the loss of their beloved ones. Sure hope Santa brought many of you a bowling ball for Christmas — because we here in Alliance sure are looking for­ward to May when we will be going to good old Philly to the bowling tourna­ment! The New Year’s Eve Party was a complete sell out! Anyone who attends one of our William Penn New Year’s Eve parties is sure to be well fed, wined, and entertained! To all of you from all of us here at Branch 189, a very Happy and Prosperous New Year! All of those who have not been con­tacted either directly or by mail, or know of anyone who has not been contacted for insurance matters, refer them to Br. Mgr. Michael Duruttya, 1708 S. Morgan Ave., Alliance, Ohio 44601, Tel. 821-15215. No obligations on quotes on Life Insurance and modern Hospitalization plans. Election of Officers was held December 19, 1971 at the William Penn Hall. Elected Officers are: President, Michael Duruttya; Vice-President, Louis Francis; Secretary, Michael Korosy; Treasurer, Michael Buzogány; Auditors, John Francis and Robert Hahlen; Alternate, Jack Dugan; Reporter, Marie Duruttya. The Nomina­ting Chairman, Mrs. Robert Hahlen pre­sided. Marie Duruttya, Reporter 226 McKeesport, Pa. Branch 226, McKeesport, Pa. held their Christmas Party in the Hungarian Social Club of McKeesport. Prior to the party was an Election of Officers, at which all incumbents were reelected unanimously and the Office of Treasurer was filled by Mrs. Julius Lenart. The Christmas Party was a great suc­cess due to the help of the officers and families. Movies were shown and Carols were sung until Santa Claus appeared welcoming the children with a “Merry Christmas” and wished everyone Seasons Greetings. Approximately 130 children were served refreshments, and received boxes of candy and silver dollars. Our best wishes to all for the coming year. Edward M. Rietski, Secretary 249 Daylon, Ohio The Annual Election of Officers’ Meet­ing was held on December 12, 1971 fol­lowed by our Children’s Christmas Party. The Nominating Committee presented its list of nominees for the various offices and resulted in the election of the follow­ing for the ensuing year. President, Mr. John Motko; Vice President, Mr. George Sopronyi, Sr.; Recording Secretary-Treas. Mrs. Anne Kertesz; Auditors, Mr. John Dúsak and Mr. Frank Hoeffer. In accord­ance with the provisions of the recent con­vention, Branch Manager Mrs. Margaret Vassy also assumes the title of Branch Secretary. She is always available to ser­vice your Insurance needs, and can very proficiently present the many varied types of plans offered by William Penn, call her at 275-5650. It was heart warming to see Branch President Mr. Motko in at­tendance after his recent stay in the hospi­tal. As usual, the kiddies were very appreci­ative of the refreshments served at the Christmas Party. The excellent program provided by the students of the Joy Fel­földi Reboulet “School of Dance”, the fine piano renditions by Joe Demeter, and the wonderful toys presented by dear old Santa, thanks to Mr. Frank Hoeffer. Many thanks are in order for all those who helped make this party a success. All Branch members are encouraged to attend our monthly meeting held the second Sunday of every month at the Holy Name cafeteria beginning at 2:00 P. M. Al G. Kertesz 8

