Washingtoni Krónika, 1981. szeptember-1982. június (6. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)
1981-09-01 / 1. szám
2 AMERIKAI MAGYAROK 1956. novembere. ♦ *■ * * May 27, 1981 A "JOINT RESOLUTION" KEZDEMÉNYEZŐJE Mr. Aloysius Bauer 34 Edgevood Terrace Bridgewater, NJ 08807 Dear Mr. Bauer: Honfitársunk, BAUER ALAJOS, aki az 1956 -os SZABADSÁGHARC után jött ki Amerikába, azzal a kéréssel fordult MILLICENT FENWICK New Jersey állambeli republikánus képviselőnőhöz, hogy az Egyesült Államok elnöke nyilvánítsa "MAGYAR . SZABADSÁGHARCOS NAP" - nak október 23. - át. A képviselőnő magáévá tette a kérést és erről értesítette Bauer Alajost. Thank you very auch for your letter concerning the 25th Anniversary of the courageous freedom fighters in Hungary. X would be glad to introduce a resolution tu remeob.. cha special bravery exhibited by those Hungarians who resisted Soviet agression in 1956. I have asked my staff to prepare such a resolution, and I will be certain to send you a copy when it is formally introduced. As you may know, the Postmaster^General, in consultation with his Citizens' Advisory Committee, is responsible for selecting the subjects for commemorative stamps. I have been in touch with the House of Representatives Committee on Post Office and Civil Service, and the Committee has informed me that it does not consider legislation calling for the issuance of commemorative stamps. Accordingly, I am writing to Postmaster General William F. Bolger to request that the Postal Service issue e commemorative scamp to mark this occasion. Many thanka again for writing me about this. I will write you again when the resolution is introduced and when 1 hear from the Postmaster General. With all good wishes, ( A "JOINT RESOLUTION" tervezete: 4. oldalon.) Yours sincerely, WASHINGTONI KRÓNIKA 71. ÉVFOLYAM 1981. SZEPTEMBER HÓ