Vízügyi Közlemények, 1986 (68. évfolyam)

2. füzet - Dvornicsenkó János: A vízrajzi információrendszer adatbázisának rendezési és kódolási kérdései

196 Dvornicsenkó János Problems of arrangement and coding of the data-base of a hydrographical information system by Dr. J. DVORNICSENKÓ, Geographer A necessary component of a high level hydrographical work is the treatment of hydrographical data-bases and the fulfillment of registrative and informative tasks. Hundred years were investigated by the author to assess the stages of development of data-bases from the point of view of reorganiza­tion and the coding of data affected by an ever extending station network and by an increase in the number of data-types characterized by fast utilization and by a higher reliability. Today, the high level reached in computer technology indicated the possibility of an even higher order in the organization of these data. A central data-base should comply with the following requirements: - A uniform registration and processing of the data measured by the national network of the Hydrographical Service, - The possibility for any area, regional organization, or for anybody wanting to use hydro­graphical data that a storage system of his own could be organized by himself, and used and altered according to his wish, - A uniform system of the thematic characteristics of the stations of a network (e.g. locality, catchment) that is easily fitted in the national systems (e.g. central statistical code-number of settlements). Satisfaction of the basic requirements is most suitable if the stations of the national network have sequential "non-talking" code numbers. Data-types must receive similar identifying code numbers. With a combination of these code numbers the stored data-series can be easily identified, and any other characteristic information (or their code-number) is readily to be attached to them to help, in this way, a rapid selectivity, if desired. Identifying code-numbers are easily updated without any formal changes in their structure.

