Öntözés a kertészetben (Mezőgazdasági és Élelmezésügyi Minisztérium Információs Központja, Budapest, 1976)
3.2. Irrigation of individual fructiferous plants 128 3.21. Irrigation of pomiferous 128 3.22. Irrigation of stone-fruits 134 3.23. Irrigation of berry-fruits 139 4. IRRIGATION OF GRAPE VINE (Antal CSAKY) 4.1. General principles of vine irrigation 144 4.2. Water regime in grape vine and factors affecting it 151 4.21. Water demand of grape vine 151 4.3. Irrigation objectives in vine growing 160 4.4. Evaluation of irrigation methods from the point of view of vine growing 167 4.5. Order of irrigation 171 4.51. Time of irrigation 171 4.52. Irrigation rotation 177 4.53. Amount of irrigation water 178 4.6. Effect of irrigation on grape vine 179 4.61. Effect of irrigation on the quantity and components of yield 179 4.62. Effect of irrigation on the yield quality 185 4.63. Effect of irrigation on the condition of vinestock 189 4.64. Other effects of irrigation 191 4.7. Effect of irrigation on the cultural practives 194 SUMMARY in English, German and Russian (Dr. László CSELOTEI) 196 LITERATURE 207