Kertai Ede: Magyarország nagyobb vízépítési műtárgyai. Folyami kikötők (OVH, Budapest, 1971)
IMPORTANT HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING OBJECTS OF HUNGARY River harbours 1. Győr harbour 11 2. Komárom harbour 24 3. Szőny oil harbour 32 4. Almásfüzitő oil harbour 45 5. Stone loading quay in Süttő 54 6. Harbour of cement and lime works Lábatlan (LCM) 56 7. Coal quay in Dorog 65 8. Stone Loading quay, Szob 68 9. Stone loading quay, Visegrád 71 10. Stone loading quay, Dunabogdány 74 11. Harbour of cement- and-lime works Vác (DCM) 79 12. Újpest dock of plant management of MAHART 94 13. Angyalföld manufacturing unit of the hungarian shipyard and crane factory 107 14. Assembly embankment of the crane manufacturing unit of hungarian shipyard and crane factory 115 15. Budapest—Angyalföld harbour 125 16. Coal loading quay of the gas works 136 17. Gravel stock of the Óbuda Housing factory 141 18. Harbour and embankment walls of the Óbuda shipyard 150 19. Budapest left bank harbour 168 20. Budapest quays and embankment walls 173 21. Winter harbour Lágymányos 186 22. Budapest, Ferencváros harbour 189 23. Budapest national and free port 201 24. Harbour of Csepel steel works 245 25. Ercsi quay 258 26. Adony quay 262 27. Harbour of the Danube steel works 266 28. Danube harbour Baja 305 29. Baja winter harbour 312 30. Harbour of fibreboard works Mohács 319 31. Mohács harbour 332 32. Szolnok harbour 336 33. Ouay of Tisza chemical works (TVK) 344 34. Tápé winter harbour 354 35. Tisza-bank quay, Szeged 360 36. Harbour of Békés 369 37. Winter harbour of Békés 373 38. Stone loading quay in Tokaj 378 9