Fekete István - Dobos Alajos: Az öntözés mezőgazdasági és műszaki tervezése (Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1972)
Potatoes 123 Maize 124 Grain crops 125 Other crops 125 Annual fodder crops 125 Rice 12(5 Cropping pattern 127 Vegetables 127 Cabbages 129 Green paprika 129 Red pepper 130 Tomato 130 Cucumber 131 Beans 131 Root vegetables 131 Peas 132 Melons 132 Other vegetables 132 Fruit growing 132 Propagating material production 133 Apple 134 Pear 134 Peach 134 Apricot 135 Plum 135 Sour-cherry 135 Cherry 136 Strawberry 136 Rasberry 136 Currant 136 Vine-growing 137 Propagating material production 137 Production of table grape varieties 137 Production of grape varieties yieldings mass wine 138 Production of grape varieties yielding high quality wine 138 Wine-growing in históriai wine regions 138 Forestry 138 Production of forestry propagating material 139 Forest plantage management 139 Other tree stands 139 Examination of farm development plans 141 General situation of the region 142 Examination of long-term production conditions, with special regard to the water economy of the soil 147 Changes in agricultural labour-power 151 Changes in agricultural labour-power in different counties 152 27