O. G. Dely szerk.: Vertebrata Hungarica 2/1-2. (Budapest, 1960)

Berinkey, L.: The Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus Linneus), a new fish species from Hungary 1-10. o.

VERTEBRATA HUNGARICA MUSEI HISTORICO-NATUHALIS HUNGARICI Tom. II. Fase. 1. 1960. The Sticleback (Gasrerosteus aculeatus L), a New Fish Species from Hungary By L. Berinkey Zoological Department of the Hungarian National Museum, Budapest On 29 October 1956, SZ. HO MONN AY caught a email living fish in the U.jlak quay of the Budapest reach of the Danube. The collector presented it to the ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS. The fieh was a specimen of the Stickleback / Gasterosteus aculea­ tus L., see fig. 1., drawn by my colleague L. ESZTERGÁLYOS/. After the fish died, it was given to the Ichthyological Collection of the Zoological Department of the NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM /Inventory Nr.: 58.147.1/. This is the first locality datum in Hungary of the small fish species, and thus the Hungarian fish fauna is richer by a new species. It is characteristical of the family Gasterosteidae that their fusiform body is either naked or partially covered by bony plates laterally, lacking any scales. These plates extend either to the caudal peduncle or cover but partly the sides of the body. Their numbers vary. The most conspicuous processes, of the body however, are the well developed bony spines. The anterior portion of the dorsal fin breaks up into 2 or more strong and free bony spines.

