O. G. Dely szerk.: Vertebrata Hungarica 1/1-2. (Budapest, 1959)

Berinkey, L.: Data relating to the question of a taxonomic differentation of Barbus meridionalis petényi Heckel 125-136. o.

J HECKEL /1848/ reports a new species from Transylvania calling it Barbus petényi, and repeats its description without any alterations also later /1858/: „Totalgestalt gestreckt, Hinterhaupt und Vorderrücken breit, After und Schwanzflosse langstrahlig, Dorsale ohne gesägten KnochenBtrahl . D. 3/8, A. 3/5 u.s.w. Squ. 11-12 /55-60/ 8-9. Diese in Oestreich nächst B. fluviatilis am weitesten verbreitete Art unterscheidet sich von diesem:durch stumpfe­re Schnauze, minder fleischige Lippen, breiteren Hinterkopf, Mangel eines Sägestrahlee und längerstrahlige Afterflosse; von B. plebejus und eques durch gestrecktere Gestalt, Mangel eines Sägestachels, längere Analstrahlen und grössere Schup­pen, von B. caninus endlich mit dem er in Färbung zumeist übereinstimmt, ebenfalls durch gestreckte Gestalt, abgerun­deten Rücken ohne Längsfurche.längere Caudale und noch höhe­re Afterflosse, die bis über die Basis der vorigen reicht." BIELZ /1853/ describes Fseudobarbus Leonhardii also from Transylvania, and KOLLER /1926 a./ reports a new variety under the name Barbus meridionalis RISSO var. rebeli from Albania. When examining the diagnoses of the species and their know ranges, we arrive at the following results. Barbue can i nus BONAPARTE must be regarded as synonymous, as the valid name of this species is Barbus meridionalis RISSO as described by RISSO from the regions of Nice and from the lowlands of Upper Italy,and as this species waa the first /RI3S0, 1826/ in a chronological order. As BONAPARTE showed Barbus caninus also from the lowlands of Upper Italy, and as up to now there has been know only one small-bodied form without any serrated spines in the said region, Barbus ca ninus BONAPARTE is undoubtedly identical with RISSO ' s Barbus meridionalis . Therefore Barbus caninus may not be called a species at all this latter may eventually be designated as caninus , namely those, belonging to the Dal­matian and Italian populations /subspecies, variety/ if they

