Verhovayak Lapja, 1954 (37. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1954 / Verhovay Journal

PAGE 10 Verhooay Journal___________________September is. iw FORTY AND EIGHT NEW YORK'S NEWS AND VIEWS For years we have marveled at the unruffled nerves of our doctor who always comes at any hour we may call him to attend to the chil­dren or our selves — but now we know why! His revenge is swift, and jto the point and oh so sweet — for] him — first he loads up his largest needles, fills them with vile con­coctions and then stabs you in the uh—back. Then, while the needles are coming out from the other sidd of you, in his nicest bedside manner, tells you “All that good Hungarian cooking must come to an end — just; have plenty of eggs-mush vitamins and lots of wholesome loathsome foods, out comes the prescription pad and you are instructed to take some more horrid stuff. Yep — after all these years he’s paid me back — but I fooled him —. I recuperated and am back at the old newstand with many, many thanks to the old saw­bones and to the good wishes of many friends. Do want to thank every one for the lovely get well cards phone calls and flowers sent me and to A1 Ibos for the offer of his blood. It was nice to know I’ve made so many friends through my column. The children were quite disap­pointed in not being able to make our trip “Out West” and with great reluctance unpacked their grips­­consisting of cowboy hats — blue! jeans and boots. Had anyone ex­amined their luggage they would have thought we were a traveling arsenal for each had packed his holster with six gun shooter, Daisy rifles — extra rolls of caps, corks, smoke pellets and oh yes, their base­ball crash helmets! Their idea of the west is that “A Bad Guy, and an Indian and a Good Guy” are (lurking behind every bush and gas station. You could almost see them visualizing themselves coming, backj decorated as deputy sheriffs if not Marshals at least. Well — maybe next year-as the Dodger fans keep saying. (Hi Chuck and Joey.) Now that everyone is back home from vacations (and we do hope everyone had an enjoyable time and are well rested) we are looking for­ward to the winter activities. Speak­ing of activities, right now I want (to tell those of you who may not have heard about it that on Satur­day, November 13 a dinner and dance is to be held at the Hungarian Re­formed Church at 233 E. 116 St. in honor of Mr. Joseph Toma for ren­dering 16 years of service to Ver­­hovay, you and me. We think EVER­­BODY should make it his duty to bd present and show Joe how much we have appreciated his friendship as well as his services. You not only show Joe how much you think of him, but get a wonderful dinner, swell night of dancing and every«­­one will be meeting again after the summer vacations. So, we can count on YOU can’t we? — good! Now HOW MANY tickets did YOU say we should send YOU? A1 Ibos or I will be more than happy to send them to you. And if you should want to make Mr. Toma very happy call him at the office and reserve your tickets now! Will be looking for you there and don’t say I didn’t let you know in time, that gags worn out! What happened to all those girls, who made with the big eyes and talk about a bowling league this fall ? Did you all get lost or some­thin’? If you don’t hurry up we’ll not be able to have a team for this season and then We can’t participate in the tournament and — so come on willyuhhuh? The boys are. all 'settled and shall' begin their bowling season by the middle of this month and we hope they have a successful season. They did so well at the tournament we are sure they are going to walk off with high honors next year too! (Have heard it rumored that on the basis of past experience A1 Ancsanyi 'is qualified to be president of the league?) Is it true that one of our1 bowlers has deserted us and moved upstate? ‘Tis said that Lydia and Steve Nemeth have forsaken the city and moved to a farm — how about sending a gal your new ad­dress please? Did you know that Lee and Joe Rongo are out looking- at the latest in baby carriages for the new ad­dition expected sometime in March? Congratulations! Now that Joey isn’t connected with the Mermaid Bar he’d rather have you come in and give your car a drink at his gasoline fetation! Understand that the Frank Tihors of Newark have added another little girl to their family. Congra­tulations and our very best go to them too! ! Speaking of New Jersey, AT­TENTION ADAM SIMON JR. — have NONE of those pictures you’ve 'taken of the bowlers or at the dance come out — or are you starting a rogues gallery with our pictures? We sure would like to seee them — so how about it Adam — we’ll «return them pronto all we want is a looksee, please? Wonder how many of you know thatj .a branch of the American Hungarian Federation has been formed to represent the younger set, such as you and I? Temporarily it has been named the “Greater Pittsburgh Chapter No. 1 of the American Hungarian Federation” and its aims of course are smiliar to the parenti organization. At the moment I am awaiting more information on the subject from Washington, but we do know that it has been started and for the moment it’s first “Chap­ter” is in Pittsburgh as the name implies. New members as well as money are sorely needed and like the mother branch it only requires $2 per year to belong to an organi­zation we SHOULD ALL BE PROUD TO BELONG TO. Shall go into more detail about this next month, meanwhile — Please put your two bucks aside as we will be around to relieve you of it very shortly — not that I’m twisting any arms! Richard and Bobby, were pre­sented with a large straw basket, by some kind soul, measuring 39 inches tall — and 17 inches across ,and originally was used to ship! Mexican straw hats, 150 of ’em to be exact and the problem is, what to do with it? They won’t let me dispose of it — God forbid — won’t let me cut it down and right now is a fine catch all — but either a use is found for it or out it must go so we thought maybe you could iall help us out, we’ll send a prize of some sort to anyone who will give us an idea, so how about it — shall we make a contest out of it? (let’s see, what could we use for prizes ? a ticket to last year’s dance?) This is not limited to N. Y. either. Lets see what ideas shall come from where and I mean iij about a little prize, I’ll dream up something and shall let you know what suggestions come in and from where OK? Just be sure to give me your name and address and branch number. We too, want to add our good wishes to Mr. Bencze on his 25th Anniver­sary wish him 25 more to come! — and it was with great delight that we read that the Senior John Fulop was so successful in the new mem­bership campaign. Although I have not as yet had the pleasure of meeting the gentleman, many good things have we heard from others about him and I certainly want to wish him continued success as well as the other field supervisors in the goal they have set themselves to meet. Speaking of Mr. Fulop — what happened to our friend Dirk? Its bad enough those lobster’s never arrived, but not even another article, Dirk? Tsk, tsk. Enjoyed reading the editorial on Sports, it‘s a fact that if it weren’t for the bowling group, there wouldn’t be very much doing here at all. Just the other day, we were discussing that from the original 12 members who started the league way back before the war, just a handful remain, those being A1 Ibos, Johnny Partman, Ernie Ne­meth, and Joe Toma. Those were really gay times, bowling interstate, Trenton-New Brunswick Mansville- Allentown, (HI Yah Fellas) and others. Whatever happened to Joe Andorko — besides being a good bowler, boy! could he ever swing a wicked Csardas! To get back to sports, can’t see why we can’t have a golf tournament, we certainly have, the golfers — Margaret Ibos, AI Ibos John Partmann, Joe Beck Frank Rico come to mind, and if Ernie and I can find out where we hid the clubs we could join too — don’t know if I can hit a ball anymore, but since the “doc” has been loading me up with those iron pills, I’ll offer my services as a caddy — easy does it now — one bag is all the union says I have to carry! What would really be a won­derful thing would be to have some­thing for the children! Little league style, our potential lies in our chil­dren and I think, with all the Joe Di Maggios in Br. 48 something should be worked out for the com­ing summer for the boys and girls. I wonder if my old friend Charlie! Zupcsan, who is so very active in the Boys Scouts wouldn’t want to help us out with suggestions, etc. How about it Charlie? We sure could use your expert know how and any information on how to get started would be much appreciated. It makes one shudder to pick up the newspapers these days and read what the kids are getting into; let’s make sure NONE of OUR CHIL­DREN are ever listed with those. If we have the time for other things we should MAKE the time to see to it, that our future Ver­­hovay material is the very best and here is a golden opportunity. How about it — are you boys game? Our first meeting since June was held Sept. 3rd. . and as usual the crowd was overwhelming! ALL I can say is that if anyone grumbled about anything that we have plan­ned for the future, I’ll personally engage them in a game of fisticuffs. A handful of people are expected to plan and run everything, do all the work and then suffer the com­plaints too. Your committees like to have a good time too, you know! Buffalo Verhovayan Pvt. Louis D. Paar, member of Branch 383, Buffalo, New York, is serving with the U. S. Army in Korea. Before his enlistment this young soldier completed two years of phy­sical education studies at Stetson University in Florida. He is the son of Mrs. Michael Paar of 52 Roswell Street, a native of Hungary, who is righteously proud that not only Louis but her other children have done their share for the nation. An older brother, John, served in the Army in World War II. Mrs. Timothy Walker, the former Ida Paar, served in the WAACS in World War II and during the Korean War. How about more of you showing up lat the next meeting, at the Arpad Hall, on October first at 8:30 p. m. We are planning a very interesting meeting and more details about the first children’s party, to be held by our branch will be discussed and suggestions are most welcome. May I stress the importance to you pa­rents, that when your invitation ar­rives that you answer immediately so that we shall know how many chil­dren to prepare for? Of course there shall be more about this next month, meanwhile help is needed and if you’d like to help please contact me. Mr. A1 Ibos and Mr. Joe Toma represented our branch at the re­cent Rackozi picnic and were deepi in discussion about the coming merger most of the day. Most Rac­kozi members here seem desirous of the merger and a pleasant day was spent by all. New York especially Br. 48. is also to be congratulated on being out­standing in their contributions to the American Hungarian Federation to be able to do what we can. For any information or tickets won’t you please contact Mr. Toma, at the home office, REgent 4-2787 or Mr. Ibos at LO. 5-6934 or my­self at BAside 4-4399 — be more than glad to answer any questions and more than happy to sell you the tickets to the coming supper. Birthdays for September include Gerald Ancsanyi; Mary Nemeth and Mrs. Joseph Nemeth. Anniversary* greetings go to Mr. and Stephen Kish. The best of EVERYTHING TO YOU ALL. Fraternally, MARGIE NEMETH, 199-13 Twentysixth Avenue, Bayside 58, N. Y. P. S. TOLEDO BRANCH 27 — We hereby accept the challenge and may I add, that the line forms at the right boys! Margie Nemeth.

