Verhovayak Lapja, 1954 (37. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1954 / Verhovay Journal

PAGE 16 Verhovay Journal June 16, 1954. BRANCH 13, TRENTON, N. J. PRESIDENT AND HIS CHARMING WIFE HELP OBSERVE EASTERN VERHOVAY RECOGNITION DAYS Two very prominent members, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Radvanv, traveled from Trenton, N.J. to help celebrate and observe Eastern Verhovay Re­cognition Days. Mr. Radvany for many years has been a leader not only in Verhovay affairs but all circles in Trenton. Another bowling tournament hasi come to a close. And needless to say the 11th Annual National Verhovay Bowling Tournament is the best yet. Branch 296 sent teams to the past' six tournaments, and I think it safe to say that just about everyone (liked the New- York event the best. The Tournament Committee and others who worked out the details and arrangements for this great event certainly deserve a pat on the back. How about California for nex year? It seems like the women always seem to have a bit more luck — or Is it skill — than the men. Just as last year, the women again came through with a favorable showing. They managed to get about sixth place in the team events. As for the tmen, better luck next year! •The bowlers from Branch 296 are as follows: Tigers, captained by Walter Wesoloski. Alex Szuch, Jo­seph Balia, Alex Toaso and James Zigarelia. Panthers, captained by Ed Mat­­tie; Steve Üveges, James McPherson, George Charles and Joseph Ha­­morsky. Hep Cats, captained by Mary We­soloski; Mildred Bodnar, Helen Stull, Jane Balia, Helen Dudzinski, Anna! Marie Fintor, Mary McPherson, Mary Üveges and Mary Toaso. Paul Pastierik w-as unable to at­tend because of illness. Also present were president John P. Balia and his wife. COMING EVENTS There is an orchestra at the new Verhovay Home every Saturday evening. Members and their guests are cordially invited to come have a good time. The big day for our yearly picnic is drawing closer. The date is Sun­day, July 18, at Falcons Park, New Kensington. Keep this day in mind and tell your friends to be sure to attend. CONDOLENCES The members of branch 296 ex­tend their dei pest sympathies to the family of Louis Antal, Sr. who passed away. May 21. Condolences also to Michael Nagy whose mother passed away recently. MISCELLANEOUS Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wallace upon the birth of a daughter at Magee Hospital, Pittsburgh . . . Birthday greetings to Michael C. Horwath and to Vincent Rapagna who celebrated their second birthdays on June 2.--------------------------­BUY U. S. SAYINGS BONDS QUAKER CITY NEWS Philadelphia, Pa. Branch 76 By Joann McLaughlin Memorial Day week end, 1954, will long be remembered by the officers; of Branch 76, the reason being that! on this week end a few of the offi­cers had a grand and glorious time amid the towering skyscrapers of New York City, at the Eleventh An­nual National Verhovay Bowling Tournament! Eastern Verhovay Re­cognition Days was just that, as lall New York City seemed to open Its arms in welcome to the various branches. Branch 76 was presented in full array. The order of the day was “excite­ment.” The party from this branch arrived at the Commodore Hotel, 42nd Street and Lexington Avenue, two o’clock in the afternoon. At six-fifteen o’clock the Victory Din­ner began, followed by speeches and introductions, then the Night Of Budapest Dance, beginning at nine o’clock. The orchestra, under the direction of Jeno Bartal. Ployed until the wee hours of the morning, but no one realized the time. The entertainment featured, Margaret Emody, Irene Szepessi and Sigmund Mezei, among the best singers I’ve1 ever heard. The entire entertain­ment was thrilling to everyone pre­sent. The dining room and dance hall, on. the second floor of the hotel, ia immense, and the lobby was beau­­'tifull decorated with “Welcome” signs extending from one corner to the next. Directly above the orchestra were the initials V F I A, lighted in the darkened dance hall. The re­volving chandeliers gave off another continuous light, and the cakes being carried by the waiters in the darkness added to the beauty of Budapest Night. On Sunday morning our little group went to ten-thirty Mass celebrated at Saint Agnes Church, 43rd and Lexington Avenue, then left to see the bowling tournament, of which Oscar Jon and Andrew Györgyi of this branch were participants. Fol­lowing this, Radio City Music Hall was the next stop, where a show was seen, then off to the “Hungarian Gardens” at 79th Street and 2nd Avenue, where the Philadelphians met groups from other cities and en­joyed music played by a gypsy or­chestra. This night club was visited both Saturday and Sunday nights Champagne and Scotch flowed freely until, reluctantly, at two o’clock Monday afternoon, the representa­tives from Branch 76 checked out of the beautiful Commodore. We stopped ■at Trenton and had dinner at Klibas Night Club, then set sail for the journey homeward. As might be expected, a humorous note entered into the picture. The president of this branch, Mr. An­thony Noel, lost his handsome Stet­son hat and has since gotten endless joking concerning this-loss. I feel that more trips like this one just completed would be enjoyed and would give the Eastern section a chance to show what they are made of. joann McLaughlin 183 W. Monmouth Street Philadelphia 33, Pa. guamsi Quaker City Flashes BRANCH 76 — Philadelphia, Pa. mm essiesfsaam siebaa It is with pleasure that we make our report on the past season’s ac­tivities at Branch 76, as they were highly successful with two dances, ia bowling banquet and dance in­cluded. These were the high lights of the season: The most recent ball, held on April 18th, that is Easter Sunday, will long be remembered by those who attended. There were popularity contests held for the ladies which were won by Miss Cookie Rosen­­feld and Mrs. B. Molnár, respecti­vely. Then too there were the csár­dás, waltz and jitterbug contests, hotly contested affairs. We had one of our older members present, Mr. Joseph Urban, who came in from Little Flower Institute, Darby, where he is now living. The old gentleman was so overwhelmed by the grand spirit of fraternalism ’that he voluntarily contributed five dollars to help make the affair a fi­nancial success, which we politely, but reluctantly had to accept. Many thanks to Mr. Urban for his kindness. May he enjoy life for many more years. Our thankfulness is also extended to the many organizations present at the ball, to our tireless recording isecretary, Dan Rosenfeld, who so­licited many beautiful gift for the different prizes, Tony Noel, our energetic president, who with his “pep” talks encouraged various persons annd groups to attend, to Joann McLaughlin, who did a fine job of publicity, to Messrs. Sima, Pinczehelyi, Benes and Pinter, for their work at the door, and to all others who gave of their time and effort to our social events. We were able this year to enter only two members in the Verhovay bowling tourney, Oscar Jon and Andy Györgyi. Our hopes for next year are better. Fraternally, • S. SZEMES, Jr. Br. Mgr.---------------------------

