Verhovayak Lapja, 1950 (33. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1950 / Verhovay Journal

. Verhovay Journal March 15, 1950 NEWS From The Field TO THE CONTRIBUTORS AND CORRESPONDENTS The next edition óf the Journal will be published on Wednesday, April 19th, 1950. News items and brief announcements will be accepted for publication until closing date, April 12. Articles and similar con­tributions for that issue must reach the editor’s desk not later than April 5th. Contributions, if possible, should be typewritten, on one side of the paper only, double spaced, and not exceeding 800 words, or 4.000 spaces. Address contributions to Verhovay Journal, 436 Fourth Avenue, Pitts­burgh 19, Pa. MAYNARD, O. Branch 5 IN MEMORIAM Mrs. Louis Csabai, nee Mary Su­­sarany, born in Sajókazinc. Hungary, on February 28, 1S90, died on Feb­ruary 10th at her home near St. Clairsville, O., after a lingering heart ailment of six years' duration. Serv­ices were held on Monday. February 13th, at the Watson Funeral Home in .Maynard, O., and the Methodisti Church, the Rev. Paul Crooks and the Rev. Dr. Arthur Varady, the latter pastor of the Crescent and Martins Ferry, O., Presbyterian churches, of­ficiating. Interment was at the Union Cemetery in St. Clairsville, O. She is survived by her huslrand, Louis Csabai, a son, Steve, two grand­children and her mother in Hungary. Another son, Frank, preceded her in death in 1932. On behalf of the members of Branch 5 I convey to the bereaved family our profound sympathies in their irreplaceable loss. The late Mrs. Csabai married her husband on March 25th, 1908 in Hun­gary and she came to this country with their two children in 1922. They resided in Maynard until 8 years ago when they moved to St. Clairsville. She has been a member of Branch 5 since 1937. The bereaved husband and son re­quested me to convey their sincere thanks to all the good friends who comforted the late Mrs. Csabai in her illness, also to those who sent floral tributes and donated the use of their cars at the funeral. They also wish to express their sincere appreciation of the comforting messages of the Rev. Crooks and the Rev. Dr. Varady. JULIUS L. SHADI, Mgr. CLEVELAND, O. Branches 14, 366 ANNOUNCEMENT All members of branches 14 and 366 of Cleveland, O., are informed herewith that, having been duly elected Manager of Branch 14 at the regular monthly meeting of the Branch held on Sunday, March 5th, 1950, I have assumed the duties and responsibilities of this office as of Monday, March 6th. The fellow-members will please note that dues are payable at the Ver­hovay Home, 8637 Buckeye Road, Cleveland 4, O., during the follow­ing office hours: Monday from 1 P.M. to 5 P.M. Tuesday from 1 P.M. to 5 P.M. Friday from 1 P.M. to 5 P.M. and from 7 P.M. to 8 P.M. Saturday from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. There will be NO OFFICE HOURS on WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and SUNDAY. Dues also are payable on the first Sunday of each month be­ginning at 1 P.M. Those paying their dues by mail, are requested to' mail their payments to the following address: Mr. Henry F. W. Rettman, District Manager, Verhovay Home, 8637 Buckeye Road, Cleveland 4, Ohio. Reports of illnesses, deaths etc., may be made by telephone, calling RAndolph 1-8834 during office hours, or, temporarily, by mailing a post­card to the Manager. As soon as I will have found an apartment for mv family, the members will be notified of my home telephone number to en­able them to contact me at all times. I realize that, due to the housing shortage, some inconveniences may arise, but every effort is being made to remedy the situation at the ear­liest possible date. Until then, if a member is in need of my services outside of office hours, a call to Branch President Joseph Szalay, CE- dar 1-5257 will put me in touch with the caller in the shortest possible time. Those wishing me to call at their homes for any kind of managerial service, will please call me during office hours to notify me by post­card at the above address. I assure every fellow-member of my earnest degire to serve and I urge all to feel free to call upon me for information and service. HENRY F. W. RETTMANN, Dist. Manager. WINDBER, PA. Branch 33 SURPRISE PARTY A surprise party was given in hon­or of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Popp on the occasion of their 28th wedding anni­versary on Sunday, January 29th, at their home, 653 Railroad St., Mine 36. A large crowd of friends attended the affair. The children of the couple, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Nestor, Mr. and Mrs. John Nestor, and daughter, and Steve Popp, Jr., came from Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Verner Rasnussen and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Yunga and son came from New York to attend the celebration. The guests were royally entertained and the happy couple received a beautiful bouquet and many gifts from their children and their friends. Congratu­lations and best wishes to our friends and fellow-members, Mr. and Mrs. Popp. GEORGE MODOCK, Mgr. DETROIT, MICH. Branch 36 BANQUET, DANCE A SUCCESS The annual pork-dinner and dance held by Branch 36 on February 4th was a great success. After Branch- President John Bartus, Jr., extended a cordial welcome to the assembled guests, dinner was served. Every dish was praised by the guests, which is no surprise since the ladies of Branch 36 are noted for their culinary artistry. The dinner was followed by a dance at which everybody had a wonderful time. The success of this event is due to the excellent work of the com­mittees. President John Bartus, Jr., and Frank Ritecz served on the Re­ception Committee, Mrs. John Bartus, Jr., Mrs. Steven Ferko, Mrs. Steven Jozsa, Mrs. Stephen Lukacs, Mrs. Jo­seph Marczis and Mrs. Caspar Papp prepared the dinner, Rose Antal. Mar­gie Csabi, Dolores Koy, Helen Lukacs, Margaret Lukacs, Goldie Marton, Mary Ann Marton, Mary Szabó and Margie Ordo served at the tables un­der the direction of Mrs. Charles An­tal. Stephen Csabi, Stephen Józsa and Caspar Papp served the refresh­ments, Andrew Azary, Andrew C'zako and Joseph Marczis sold the lunch tickets and George Sándor served in the checkroom. On behalf of the Committee I wish to extend my sincere thanks to all the guests who patronized this af­fair, and to the ladies and gentlemen who donated their services, assuring thereby the success of our annual dinner and dance. STEPHEN LUKACS, Dist. Mgr. CHICAGO, ILL. Branch 37 PICNIC AT LIBERTY HALL All members and friends of the Verhovay are cordially invited to our picnic, to be held on Sunday, July 30th, at the Liberty Hall, also known as the Hungarian Hall, 817 East 92nd St.. Chicago, 111. A good time is promised to all who attend. So please reserve that date for the Branch 37 picnic! STEPHEN SZEKELY, President. BEAVER FALLS. PA. Branch 39 ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lorincz an­nounced the engagement of their charming daughter, Irene, to Joseph Bella Bagosi. son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bagosi of Ellwood City, Pa., at a dinner given in honor of the young couple on Sunday, February 5th. Irene graduated from Beaver Falls High School in 1947. Joseph Bella Bagosi graduated from Ellwood City High in 1943 and at present attends an engineering course at the Car­negie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh. The wedding is planned to be held in June. Members of Branch 39 extend their congratulations to the young couple uppn their engagement. ANDREW ROLLER, Manager. BENWOOD, W. VA. Branch 46 ANNOUNCEMENT This is to notify the members of Branch 46 that due to the resigna­tion of Branch President Joseph Si­mon who is leaving our community, Mr. Joseph Takacs, 75 Rooseevlt Ave., Benwood, W. Va„ has been elected Branch President. JOHN PETRASH, Manager. PASSAIC, N. .1. Branch 87 NOTICE Due to the Easter holiday there will be no meeting on the second Sunday of April and the dues will be payable, instead, on Sunday, April 2, at the usual place. All members and frietnds of the branch are cordially invited to our chicken dinner to be held on Satur­day, April 22nd. Admission is $1.75 per person. Music will be furnished by Feri Panyko’s orchestra. Refresh­ments will be served. It is requested that tickets be purchased in advance because preparations for the dinner will be made on the basis of ad­vance sales. We sincerely hope that every member will attend. JOHN ZAKOPCSAN, Manager. PHILLIPSBURG, N. .1. Branch 133 ANNOUNCEMENT Members of Branch 133 are noti­fied herewith that the monthly dues will be collected hereafter on or be­fore the 3rd Sunday of each month at my home, 267 Hudson St., Phillips­­burg, N._ J. The meetings will no longer be held at the Rákóczi Hall. STEPHEN VAYDA, Manager. GARY, IND. Branch 138 EASTER DANCE Be sure to attend our Easter Dance, sponsored by the Bowling Committee of Branch 138. It will be held on Saturday, April 8, 1950, at the American Hungarian Center. A good time is promised to everyone, so bring the family and your friends' JULIUS J. DANCH, Manager. PAGE 3 ROSSFORD, O. Branch 194 AN OPEN LETTER Once again I’d like to address a few remarks to my fellow-members and, in this instance, I am replying to many letters and inquiries that, have reached me since my last article appeared. I made every effort to answer all letters by mail but lately I have received so many that I can’t keep up with my correspondence. Hence this open letter. Several of the members, whose membership certificates are being held at the Home Office, inquired as to how the beneficiaries will be able to collect the death benefits if these members should die. I want to assure every member that the beneficiaries will have absolutely no difficulty in having their claims honored. Each member has the official branch re­ceipts on all dues payments and the fact that these dues had been ac­cepted is evidence that thé policies are in full force and effect. It is suggested, therefore, that these re­ceipts be kept on a safe place in case they should be needed, though I should add that as long as the name of a member appears on the monthly reports (which are always open to inspection at my home to every mem­ber), the policy is in full force and effect and not even a receipt will be demanded to prove the member’s standing at the time of death. Some members, however, are in the habit of mailing their dues in cash in an envelope that bears neither the name, nor the address of the mem­ber. Of course, by looking at the stamp I am able to determine from which town the envelope was mailed and for further identification I check in my records until I find the mem­ber whose dues correspond with the amount mailed. Though up to now none of these payments had been lost in the mails, nor have I ever credited them to the wrong persons, it would pay to be more circumspect with these remittances and, therefore I urge the members to put their names and addresses on the envelope in which they mail their dues. Payments by mail also are receipted, usually either quarterly or semi-annually, and as far as 1 know there have been no complaints. Some writers express their regrets over the fact that assistance over and above the insurance protection is no longer rendered by the branches of the Verhovay to the extent this had been done in the past. This may be true, but I’d like to point out that this is due mainly to the changed attitude of the membership. 25-30 years ago the branch meetings were well attended. Whenever an appeal on behalf of some unfortunate mem­ber was received from another branch, the matter was seldom submitted to a vote because the chairman simply ordered that voluntary contributions be collected from those present. And every member attending the meeting donated at least a quarter, if not more, to which was added at least $10 from the Entertainment Fund of the branch (we still have that fund even though it is rather poor at the present) and, thus, with the gengr­­ous cooperation of all the other branches, quick aid was given to those in need. However, today, few, if any, at­tend the meetings. Most of the old members have passed on and the young people have different ideas as to the purposes of the branches. As a result, if an appeal is received from another branch, no action can be taken and the branch is unable to re­spond to the call for aid. It would be well if the members would remember that misfortune may (Continued on page 12)

