Verhovayak Lapja, 1947 (30. évfolyam, 1-24. szám)

1947 / Verhovay Journal

PAGE 2 HEWS From The Field NEW BRANCH OFFICE SERVES CLEVELAND, 0-, WEST SIDE The Cleveland District Office announces the opening of a branch-office at 3609 Lorain Ave., for the convenience of all mem­bers of the Verhovay residing on the West Side of Cleveland. The office, maintained by Branch 45 and the other west side branches, is open during- the following hours: Every Monday evening from 7 to 8 o’clock. Every Thursday and Friday from 2 P.M. to 5 P.M. Every Saturday from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. Members of any branch may pay their dues during office hours at the new office where prompt service and assistance will be rendered by our representatives in all matters pertaining to the busi­ness of the Association Members unable to visit the office may mail their dues to the above ad­dress. MICHAEL SIMO, District Mgr., JOSEPH M. TOTH, Office Mgr., EMERY KÉSZÉI, Pres. Br. 45, EUGENE PACHTLER, Manager, Branch 45. SPEND AUGUST 24TH AT VERHOVAY PICNIC OF BRANCH 48, IN BRONX There is no better way to spend Sunday, August 24th, than to at­tend the grand Verhovay Picnic of Branch 48 to be held at the Hubart’s Casino, 1118 Havermay­­er Ave., Bronx, N. Y. Rezső Geller, chairman of the Entertainment Committee, is a man of ideas and he is ably sup­ported by the members of this Committee who have pledged themselves to making the social debut of Branch 48 an event of unparalleled success. The services of a famous cook having been secured for this day, the satisfaction of the highest ex­pectations of the most discerning gourmands is assured. Refresh­ments of both the American and imported Hungarian varieties will be served. Free ice-cream for the kiddies in the afternoon! Commencing at 9 A.M., the pic­nic will last all day and evening. Next Bowling Tournament Open To All Verhovayans (Continued from page 1.) bers with certificates dated between January 1st and March 15th, 1948, shall be eligible only if they hold at least $1,000 certificates on which at least one year’s dues have been paid. 2. ) Contestants must have team membership cards on their person and these cards must be shown to the tournament manager. Participants lacking such cards are subject to disqualification. 3. ) No bowler may enter or participate more than once in a Five-Man, Two-Man or Individual event. 4. ) Organized Verhovay Bowling teams, as well as the bowling league of which they are members, must be recognized and registered in accordance with the rules and regulations of the American Bowl­ing Congress. The Women’s Division will be conducted according to the rules and regulations of the Women’s International Bowling Congress. 5. ) In the case of the Men’s Division, the tournament handicap will be based upon 70% to 1,000 scratch to all teams, and will be limited to 3 games of competition. 6. ) All regular Verhovay bowling teams desiring to enter team competition will bowl und"T the team card assigned them by the ABC. All others desiring to enter in team competition must appe­to the ABC for a team card, paying the fee of $3.50. 7. ) All teams entering as a Branch-team, must carry the num­bers of their Verhovay branches for application. In cases where the branch sponsors more than one team, they will be privileged to use other names in addition to “Verhovay’’, such as “Verhovay Tigers”, “Verhovay Devil Dogs”, etc., to distinguish one team from the other. 8. ) In the Women’s Division the tournament handicap will be based upon 70% to 850 scratch to all teams, and will be limited to 3 games of competition. 9. ) All teams desiring to enter competition in the Women’s Di­vision as a team, must register with the WIBC as a team (5 mem­bers) and pay the customary registration fee. * 10. ) All bowling tournament expenses, such as travelling, hotel accomodations, meals, etc., shall be borne by the participating teams or individuals. 11. ) All participating teams in the Verhovay National Ten Pin Bonding Tournament will journey to Cleveland, O. Hotel accomoda­tions shall be at the expense of each individual. 12. ) Applications for tournament entry must be mailed before midnight, March 15th, 1948. Applications must be certified by the Captain or Secretary of the prescribed team. Applications must be accompanied by the entry fee designated. Withdrawal or non-appear­ance of teams shall constitute forfeiture of entry fee. HANDICAPS 5-Man Team 2-Man Team Individual 1090 400 200 Handicap allowed in each event will be 70% of the difference between the scratch average and the highest actual average of the team or individual entered. It will be computed from each bowler’s highest average established in leagues in wheih he has bowled 20 or more games. If the bowler has a higher average in another league or leagues in which he has not bowled 20 games, averages used will be the composite average of games rolled in all the leagues. If the howler has not participated in 20 games in any one league, he must assume an average of 200. Verhovay Journal July 30, 1947 A bowling match game will be rolled in the morning between the Verhovay teams of Bridgeport and New York. Three prizes will be awarded to the winners of the single event which will follow the match game. Miss Gábriellé Mo­­rocz, vocalist, famous Soubrette, and dashing Michael Sarossy-Szii­­le, both of the Budapest stage, will appear, together with bari­­tonist Alexander Toth, on the special program to be featured in the early afternoon. Games, con­tests will be held all day long. The united gipsy orchestra of Peter Zori and Julius Benc^e will play the beautiful Hungarian tunes while, inside the Casino, the Melody Boys’ Jazz orchestra will provide dance music for the young folks. Moving pictures will be taken of all events and the film will be shown during the coming winter-season. The success of this picnic does not depend on the weather, for there is plenty of room inside the Casino in the event of rain. Tickets may be purchased in ad­vance at the Verhovay District Office, 205 East 85th Street, Room 204, for 75 cents each. Tickets at the door will be $1.00. Be sure to save 25 cents by pur­chasing your ticket in advance. All members and friends of the Verhovay in New York City and vicinity are cordially invited. And if some of our fellow-members in other parts of the country plan a vacation trip to the east, they are assured of a warm reception. JOSEPH TOMA, Manager. ANNUAL PICNIC OF CLEVELAND BRANCH 14 The Annual Picnic of Branch 14 will be held on Sunday, Au­gust 10th, at the Slapnikas pic­nic grounds, on Cochran Road, off South Miles. Bus transporta­tion from the Verhovay Home, with stops on the way for pick­ing up passengers, will be pro­vided. Music will be furnished by an excellent orchestra and the best of refreshments will be serv­ed. Everyone is invited and as­sured of having a good time. JOSEPH M. TOTH, Manager. I OF TRENDS AND FRIENDS I IN CHICAGO ( Branch 164 I ■■■■■■■■■■■ By Midge Rettmann hbhbhhv With this record-breaking cold summer I have the pleasure of huddling next to my hot radiator while coordinating this column. But bad vacation weather not withstanding, we have a couple I of new applicants to our STORK CLUB Mrs. Dorothy Phillips, of Crown Point, Indiana and niece of Mom Kunstadt, is collecting tiny items. In celebration hubby Virgil be­came the owner of a $3,000 policy. Mrs. Louis Kollar also joined the Club. Hubby Lou, an ex-sol­dier, is the younger brother of Emma Kovack, Grandma Kun­stadt and Betty Nichols. So the Kunstadt clan is expanding — even though the names are dif­ferent! Mrs. Irene Studer nee Kaszas is with us, also. THE CRADLE CLUB welcomes Andrew, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Soo, both of whom served in the last war; and Lynda L., daughter of Frank and Elaine ^Kolovitz, born June 18. Welcome, kiddies, and congratu­lations to the proud parents. MEMORIAL CEREMONIES FLINT, MICH. — AUG. 24TH Memorial ceremonies will be held jointly by branches 214 and 412, Flint, Mich., on Sunday, August 24th, in memory of the late Eugene Madarasz and James Madarasz whose portraits will be presented to the next of kin by Director Julius Macker of Det­roit, Mich. In conjunction with the mem­orial ceremonies, the Verhovay (Continued on Page 4) WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT Nearly 300 guests were pre­sent at the nuptials of Edward Exner and Elsie F. Worazik which took place at St. Stephen Evang. Lutheran Church, with a recep­tion later. From California, comes word that our member James Fodor was married to Cecelia Stachnik on June 7th. On July 5th, John Lachman and Lorraine Novak were joined in holy wedlock by the Rt. Rev. Joseph Magyar. Reception follow­ed at the Falcon Hall were ap­proximately 300 friends celebrated until the sun peeped over the horizon. Congratulations and best wishes to these happy people. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS to Mrs. Joseph Zoltani, who celebrated being 70 years young on June 13th. The family cele­bration was held at her grand­daughter’s this being the Joseph Irocky, Jr.’s third wedding anni­versary, her daughter Mrs. Jo­seph Irocky, Sr.’s 31st wedding anniversary and Mrs. Rose Iroc­­ky’s birthday. Mrs. Paul Szabó, widow of Br. 164’s founding member, celebrated her 62nd birthday on June 28th. This day was also the 16th wed­ding anniversary of her daughter and son-in-law, Peter and Mary Fabis. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Junior Manager and Mrs. Louis Barna celebrated their 10th wed­ding anniversary recently. Of the 27 guests, the most unexpected but welcome visitor was former WAC Helen Zubor, Mrs. Barrta’s only daughter by a previous mar­riage, who flew in from the East for the occasion. PRIZES Money prizes will be distributed on the basis of actual scores plus handicap. Special prizes will be distributed on the basis of actual scores without handicap. The prizes will compare favorably with those awarded at the South Bend National Tournament. VERHOVAY SPECIAL EVENT PRIZES. In addition to the general prizes, Verhovay special event prizes will be available to duly organzied Verhovay teams, bowling as a Branch team (5 Man, 2 Man, or Individual) in ABC sanctioned leagues all season. The following is the schedule of these Verhovay special event prizes: A. ) Special Prizes: Best Uniformed Verhovay team 1. ) Women’s Division (1st, 2nd and 3rd): $15, $10, $5. 2. ) Men’s Division (1st, 2nd and 3rd): $15, $10, $5. B. ) Champions — Men’s Division (5 Man) 1st prize $75, 2nd prize $50, 3rd prize $25. C. ) Champions — Women’s Division (5 Man) 1st prize $30, 2nd prize $20, 3rd prize $10. D. ) Champions — Men’s Division (2 Man) 1st prize $30, 2nd prize $20, 3rd prize $10. E. ) Champions — Women’s Division (2 Man) 1st prize $15, 2nd prize $10, 3rd prize $5. F. ) Champion — Men’s Division (Individual) 1st prize $15, 2nd prize $10, 3rd prize $5. G. Champion — Women’s Division (Individual) 1st prize $10, 2nd prize $5, 3rd prize $2.50. 13.) CHAMPIONS. Recognized as National Verhovay Bowling Champions will be the Five-Man team and Two Man team that records the highest total of pins actually scored. Individuals and All Evqpts Champions will be similarly recognized. Medal awards, suit­able trophies and an additional cash prize will be presented to the champion of each division. The Frank Brogley Memorial Trophy will be awarded the winning Five Man champion team. The tournament will be under the supervision of Mr. R. R. “Pop” Diliinger, Secretary of the Pittsburgh Ten Pin Association, and he, together with the assistance of the Tournament Committee, will rule on all items not covered by ABC rules or regulations. Their decision will be considered final. AMONG OUR MEMBERS Mrs. Vilma Lowery is a pa­tient in West Suburban Hospital after undergoing a serious opera­tion . . . Louis Sera is in Hines Veteran Hospital. Mrs. George Szosniak, Olga Kunstadt, Mrs. Louis Szabó and Andrew Small, the mailman, have recovered from various illnesses. Mrs. Rose Sabo, builder of Ze­nith radios, flew to Los Angeles to visit former Branch’ members. The Fabis’ spent July in Hot Springs, Ark. We welcome Mrs. J. Erwin Tury, our Carolina belle, to the Branch membership, together with Blondie Kosi. P.S. Our Sen­ior Manager was terribly disap­pointed — he had hoped to be collecting dues from Mrs. Tury each month and they paid a year in advance! Now he must wait another year to see her. There were a few more items of local interest but upon request, the column was shortened for this issue, in order to permit publish­ing as much of the District Mi­nutes as possible. Hoping that by the next issue of this column Spring will have arrived, we unfold ourselves from our radiator to bid you adieu. Fraternally yours, Midge

