Verhovayak Lapja, 1945 (28. évfolyam, 1-52. szám)

1945 / Verhovay Journal

•# Page 6 Verhov ay Journal December 12, 1945 THE HOMESTEAD (Continued from Page 5) brings continued general im­provement. Ex-soldier, Frank Lengyel, Grace St. Munhall, returned to the district recently, and with him came Mrs. Lengyel, a bride of not-too-long-ago from the New England sector. We wel­come them both amongst us. and especially hope that the new Mrs. Lengyel finds the Pittsburgh District to her liking. Came the 1st of December, and Steve Shimko of Vondera Plan, shouldered his trusty gun and invaded the sanctuary of the deer and black bear. The last two seasons, Steve has been fortunate and so have we be­cause deer meat adorned our table for a couple of days. Steve is a good man with that gun of his, and we don’t give the fleet MERRY-GO-ROUND deer or crafty bear much of a chance against such a combina­tion. Congratulations are in order for Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nemeth of Lea Street, Munhall, on their latest acquisition, a baby girl born at the Homestead Hospital on October 18th, 1945. The family now’ consists of three girls and one boy, all of whom are mem­bers of Verhovay Branch 430. We are happy to welcome back into the fold of Branch 430, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Bezak (Mrs. Bezak is the former Olga Toth of W. Homestead) who returned to the Homestead District from Manville, N. J. the latter part of October. While in Manville, Mr. and Mrs. Bezak’s insurance mat­ters were handled quite efficiently by the local branch manager and my friend, Frank Lizák. However, we in Homestead are happy to The Ferret Sez . . ♦ iiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimmiiiimiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiisiiiiiiimm (Continued from Page 5) tackled by President Malcolm MacLeod and Ann Major; raffle tickets were sold by Marie Gal­­lovich, Josephine Pomroy and Mary Kuritar; by the way thanks to Marie and also to Mrs. Daniel Robb for the doilies and the Hun­garian lace cloth as their share towards the Relief proceeds . . . the raffle brought in a nice piece of change. A great deal of thanks goes to Maly Szalay who struggled so patiently to teach the sixteen youngsters the Kör Dance which went off quite well. Mary, with Marie Gallovich as assistant, presided as the other Judge. Hungarian dresses were worn by members Mrs. Toth, Mrs. Hor­vath and Mrs. Robb (bright red with real Hungarian aprons); also by tiny juveniles Patsy Sza­lay, Edwina Horvath and Claire Toth; and by Josephine Pomroy, Mary Kuritar, Mary Toth, Mary Szalay, Mrs. Julius Szalay, Mary Horvath, and not to be outdone, even your old Ferret was attired in this colorful costume. To top the festivities, Charlie Young’s Branch 383 bowlers invaded the Motor City for a match-game, details of which will be found in another article. A great deal can be said about how well a dance or banquet is handled, but sometimes I’d like to try your patience with what goes on behind the scenes BE­FORE the big event takes place. Oftentimes in my moody periods, the thought occurs to your old Ferret that the organizing and carrying out of details makes a better story than the usual, “a good time was ha'd by all.” But let’s save it for another time, ses I. All in all, our very first Szü­reti Ball went off better than expected. Thanks to everyone who pitched in and helped. Thank you sincerely, ALL of you Ver­hovay members who are always so willing and eager to help this tiny branch. An old Hungarian saying translated goes something like this, “We may be small, but WOW!” We’ll have the correct amount which will be turned over to the American-Hungarian Relief, Inc. in the next issue. We’re quite prooud of our share! SPE AKINK OF ORPHANS: The idea of sharing in the up­keep of our tiny Hungarian orphans was very well received. Steve Horvath will take over the care of an orphan on his own.... three dollars per month, plus three dollars for shoes for an entire year. The Greenwalds and Lucases may take over another between them. Plus the one which will be supported by branch members’ donations of a quarter or half a dollar a month, we’ll be able to handle at least three of these unfortunate youngsters. As Steve told me, “I donate a huge amount of money to charities each month, but when it comes to kids who may be even distant relatives of my own or my wife’s, then I give freely. In fact, if it is all possible, if any of my wife’s re­latives are orphaned, we may try to bring one to America and adopt an orphan legally.” Such spirit is what the 429 kids are made of. We may have our. modern ideas and we may sneer at some of the old-fashioned notions which have no place in a progressive world, but when it comes down to fundemantal fraternalism, we have plenty of it right here. Think of it . . . my two kids alone spend more than three bucks a month for candy, ice cream, shows and other so­­called luxuries (but which in America is practically a neces­sity), and in Hungary this small amount feeds, and clothes and keeps comfortable a lonely little soul. Golly, it makes a person stop and think how very for­tunate we are to live in this Wonderful America! RE THE CONTEST. Mrs. Daniel Robb is our sole con­testant for the anniversary of the V.F.I.A. To date, between us, we have secured three adult mem­bers and three juveniles. The only hitch at present is that the coming holidays postpone the securing of as many members as we had hoped, but after the first, with the boys coming home and expenses of Christmas behind us, we’ll be able to dig in and really work. (Gotta win a bet!) Would like to see each branch well re­presented on May 30th by contest winners! See? fence them in again. Welcome back Olga and Emery! BOWLING SCORES Member and my brother, James A. Kohut, has resumed his ac­tivities in the teaching field, and is now a member of the teaching staff of Titusville High School, where he is associated with the Commercial Department. I’m quite guilty of a serious omission concerning a good friend of mine, and I am here at­tempting to rectify matters. Al­though these congratulations are coming somewhat late never­theless they're quite sincere and genuine. They are extended to member William C. Murdzak, Homestead, upon the occasion of his marriage to Miss Mary Tatko of South Side in St. Matthew’s Church, S. Side, on August 1, 1945. May their married life be a happy one, and successful in every way. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Murdzak, the newiy-weds! Several months ago a dance was held in the Homestead Dis­trict by the American-Hungarian War Relief, Branch 17, for the benefit of the relief movement. The dance was fairly successful and the returns were fair. How­ever, they could have been con­siderably larger if fuller co­operation had been exacted from the musicians as well as from the dance hall proprietors. For relief affairs, in the past it has been customary to obtain the service of musicians and such for practically no monetary deposit, while the dance halls were any times/ donated without any financial consideration. These conditions I understand were entirely lacking at this affair, and their absence caused the vital Hungarian Relief Movement a loss of at least one hundred dollars. DETROIT, MICH. Branch 443 MEN’S TEAMS November 3, 1945 Name PinsGame Ave. L.Csorbas 3944 24 164 Z.Yuhasz 2798 18 155 J.László 3197 21 152 J.Soltész 2265 15 151 Wm. Laslo 3531 24 147 S.Giss 3513 24 146 F.Gasparovich 3048 21 145 David H. 1677 12 140 M. McLaughlin 3315 24 138 J.Kalmar 831 6 138 J.Barth a 1977 15 132 Z.Diószegi 3098 24 129 F.Toth 222 2 111 L.Korpon 321 3 107 MURRAY’S TEAM L. Csorbas 164 J. Kalmar 138 M. McLaughlin 138 Z. Diószegi 129 W. Laslo 147 716 Won: 6 Lost: 14 STEVE’STEAM David H.140 F. Gasparovich145 S. Giss146 Z. Yuhasz155 J. Laslo152 738 Won: 14 Lost:6 November10, 1945 Name PinsGame Ave. L. Csordás 3944 24 164 Z. Yuhasz 3268 21 155 J. László 3614 24 150 S. Giss 3958 27 147 Wm. Laslo 3908 27 145 F. Gasparovich 3429 24 143 David H. 2108 15 140 M. McLaughlin 3776 27 140 Z. Diószegi 3537 27 131 J. Kalmar 1139 9 126 STEVE’S TEAM David H. 140 F. Gasparovich 143 S. Giss 147 Z. Yuhasz 155 J. Laslo 150 735 Won: 16 Lost: 8 (22 pins to Murray) November 17, 1945 Name Pins Game Ave. L. Csordás 4385 27 162 Z. Yuhasz 3745 24 156 J. László 3614 24 150 S. Giss 4428 30 147 Wm. “Laslo 4378 30 146 F. Gasparovich 3815 27 141 M. McLaughlin 4198 30 140 D. Holbus 2512 18 139 Z. Diószegi 3954 30 132 J. Kalmar 1463 12 122 High Individual Game 1 Game, 1st,L. Csordás 212 1 Game, 2nd,L. Csordás 199 3 Games, 1st,J. Laslo 544 3 Games, 2nd,S. Giss 538 High Team 1 Game, M. McLaughlin 813 3 Games, S. Giss 2202 MURRAY’S TEAM L. Csordás 162 J. Kalmar 122 M. McLaughlin 140 Z. Diószegi 132 W. Laslo 146 702 Won: 9 Lost: 19 STEVE’S TEAM D. Holbus139 F. Gasparovich141 S. Giss147 Z. Yuhasz156 J. Laslo150 733 Won: 19 Lost: 9 (23 pins to Murray) MILITARY VIEWS FROM EVERYWHERE: T/Sgt. JOHN A. KATRINCSAK, Pfc. EDWARD A. MATYAS of W. Homestead were recently re­turned to civilian life as were T/Sgt. STEPHEN J. SIPOS, Cpl. MIKE KURUCZ, Seaman LOUIS NEMETH, and Cpl. JIMMY GABOCY of Munhall, Pa., JOHNNY, MIKE and EDDIE ROTZ of Terrace, Pa., Sgt. JOHN ”GUY” GYURE of Munhall along with EUGENE and JULIUS KON­­DIS of Munhall, Pa., EMERY SERA, Terrace, is overseas await­ing to be returned to the States for discharge . . . Cpl. JIMMY VAJDA is expected home shortly. ERNEST SEECH, W. Homestead, U.S. Merchant Marine, spent a week with his folks latter part of November . . . departed for New York and new experiences on Sunday evening, Dec. 2nd . . . T/Sgt. BERT NAGY Honorably discharged from air corps last month . . . catching up on his hunting and fishing down De­catur, Alabama . . . Pvt. .WIL­LIAM J. BECZE, Homestead, honorably discharged from the Gap and now home with his family. . . JULIUS OROSZ, over­seas veteran, arrived home to be­gin life as a civilian on Novem­ber 8th. . . and he’s plenty happy to be able to resume where he left off some years ago . . . Pvt. JOHN A. BUKOSKY, Home­stead, Pfc. SAMUEL R. SABO, both in civilian clothes again . . . B/M 2/C1. BOB ZELLEZNICK, Lincoln Place, continues his ad­ventures on the high seas . . . stopped off at Nagoya, Japan for a quick look recently . . . Pfc. MURRAY’S TEAM L.Csordás 164 J.Kalmar 126 M.McLaughlin 140 Z.Diószegi 131 w.Laslo 145 706 on:8 Lost: 16 LADIES’ TEAMS November 3 ,1945 Name PinsGame Ave E. Srock 2501 18 13£ I. Rosta 2907'21 13E J. Csorbas 2984 24 124 E. László 1850 15 12i H. Balog 2876 24 ue (Continued on Page 7) BILL TIMKO, Whitaker, of the His new duties are not con-Purple Heart, discharged honor­ably , . . wounded four times in action . . . BERT KONDIS, U.S. Navy, expecting to return to his civilian status sometime in Janu­ary. IMPRESSIONS AND REFLECTIONS A resumption of the dividend habit at Verhovay in the very near future will be a favored development. My director friends will undoubtedly enter into dis­cussion of this at their forth coming session in March of ’46. Although these dividend pay­ments were at times pitifully small, they nevertheless re­presented a trend and important condition. A resumption of these dividends will be in keeping with past sound Verhovay de­cision. The many friends of Albert Jozik, McKeesport, will be pleased to learn that he has re­turned to the Verhovay Associa­tion as of October 3, 1945, and is once more a faithful and trustworthy servant of our great organization. Albert is specially- friends my sincerest wish for remembered as the person who instilled new life into our waning English Edition some years back. nected with the Journal. In recent weeks when time per mitted I have been out in thi field soliciting contributions foi that truly noble cause, The Amer ican-Hungarian War Relief. Ml success up to this point has bee. fairly good but there is still muci work to be performed. Th names of those contributor should be listed in my next co umn. Of course, those who hav not donated as yet can do so bj contacting me personally or b: mailing your contribution to m care of the Verhovay Association 345 — 4th Ave. Pittsburgh, Pc Any amount, from a dollar u% will perform great service in th relief of those millions of poor starving wretched Hungarian barely existing in the land of ou Fathers, Hungary. Contribut now! Assume this small re sponsibility quickly! Don’t put i off until tomorrow, but act to day! If you do your share nou you’ll no doubt help save futur generations in Hungary. At this time I wish to exten to my Verhovay brothers am Very Merry Christmas and > Happy and Prosperous Nei Year!

