Verhovayak Lapja, 1943. január-június (26. évfolyam, 1-25. szám)

1943-01-14 / 2. szám

I 429 Bowling News Fage I THUNDER OVER 36 Detroit, Michigan Verhovayak Lapja__________________ Bowling is improving on both teams, with lots of fun and fraternalism mixed in with the serious business of good sport­­manship and good bowling. Too bad Bartko had to leave back home for McKeesport, but as 1 stated elsewhere the boys are holding his place open for his speedy return. If Joseph doesn’t come back, he’d make a valuable addition to Branch 395’s bowling team. Fisher still throws his ball a bit too hard, but that new' Christmas bowling ball may improve that. The Horvath brothers still keep the teams rolling with glee, and I must say Nicholas is improving steadily — he’ll make a good bowler some day. Robb is still trying for that 200 game, coming close with 183. Lucas is in on the fun only every four weeks, due to defense work. Bartko’s average crept up 12 DECEMBER 23. MarieGallovich 155 112 120 387 EthelKoy 113 125 114 352 MaryRaffee 104 96 82 382 HelenKastura 143 83 112 343 JoianLucas 150 85 97 332 The men’steams scores as John Fisher87 101 108 Daniel Robb128 83 92 Nicholas Horvath 127153 121 Steve Horvath122 129 140 Joseph Bartko Louis Lucas 144111 146 Of course I would pick the two worst weeks for the men’s teams as a whole, but it just goes to show you, some weeks they’re hot and other weeks, well, 1 guess the word is mediocre. But it’s all in fun, and there is no denying the fact that the fellows points in the 16 weeks he bowled; the others manage to keep ahead of themselves. The girls have lots of fun, although the bowling is coming along very nicely. The girls at least are looking forward to the Pittsburgh Tournament, so don’t fail us, Bowling Commi Itee. Has anyone heard about the handicaps for low average teams? Marie Gallovich and Mary Raffee in­form me that the South Bend teams are eagerly awaiting the Nation Tournament as the National A. B. C. Tournaments have been called off for the duration. Hence the Verhovay Tournament will mean a great deal to all the members who bowl. Let’s hear some news about this coming event — we in the Middle West' are all greatly excited about March 20 and 21. The girl’s scores as follows: JANUAR 6 High GameAve. 122 93 96 311 163 110 120 85 133 338 141 113 99 96 107 302 135 85 121 133 138 392 466 113 103 115 124 342 150 107 528 follows: 109 78 128 175 113 107 107 124 183 117 133 110 126 153 108 146 125 133 179 134 89 174 117 174 122 155 130 are game.More bowling news later,and let’s hear from the other branches, especially our pets, Br. 895. Fraternally yours, THE FERRET Sports editor I YOUNGSTOWN SPORT MEWS | A flash of Red, White and Blue, a well aimed ball, and a strike! That is the best descrip­tion of the Youngstown, Ohio Girls Verhovay team. The girls make a striking patriotic picture in their Navy skirts, White blouses and Red jackets. The outfits single them out and certainly show them off to good advantage. Ask anyone of the team members what diffi­culties they met as they tried to buy Bowling outfits, and they’ll shake their heads sadly and say, “My, how times have changed”. But being very capable and re­sourceful girls, they didn’t let the fact that Jackets were hard to get, stop them from having Jackets. They purchased the red wool and each girl made her own Jacket, thus completing a Average Ann Petro______________- 140 Rose Chako _______________ 103 Irene Rigo ____________- 106 Mary Toth _______________ 92 Marge Turner_____________ 132 Helen Pivarnyk_______;___ 144 good looking outfit which proudly carries the Verhovay lettering. Now, a little about the team itself. As usual, it is a six girl team, Irene Rigo being the new member, replacing Ethel Orosz. Friday night is regular Bowling time and although they rarely get through playing before Mid­night, the team always shows up, come fair or foul weather. The last two weeks have been victorious ones for the Verhovay team. They won all six games. Your reporter cannot say how the team stands in the league but the least that can be said is that things are looking Up. Now for a bird’s eye view of the figures, and I am not re­ferring to those in Red, White and Blue. These black and white. are strictly High Single game High Total 202 506 124 355 141 350 122 332 163 462 180 462 Total games won and lost —to date Won 18 — Lost 21 Look for the girls in the Red, White and Blue from now on WRd ww’U do our best to bring glory to our colors. MARGARET TURNER Verhovay Team (Girls) Youngstown, Ohio. Verhovay Br. 36 leads the Ver­hovay Bowling League of Detroit with the season almost half way through. The boys had been in second place until re­cently, when they forged ahead and with the team clicking the way it now is, it appears as though they are destined to stay there. The present team is by far the strongest to ever represent Detroit in this league, which was the first Verhovay Leauge to be organized in the country. The members of the team are Bill Toth, a greatly improved bowler, who, incidentally, leads the league with a 188 average; Louis Molnár, long a member of the Verhovay League is the num­ber 2 man of the league, with a 183; a very popular chap with a pleasing personality. Bill Nanasy, the only member left from last year's team, is captain and carries a 171 average, closely followed by Joe Toth and Bill Kendy. The league now bowls at the newly built Rouge Recreation and consists of eight teams, which, although it has only Branch 36 to carry the Verhovay banner, it is well stocked with Verhovay members and they are sponsored by merchants from Delray. The officers are 100 per cent Verhovay, with Mr. John Buda, president; Andrew Konkoly, treasurer and Paul Szegő, secre­tary. STANDING OF VERHOVAY BOWLING LEAGUE Teams Verhovay Branch 36 _ Molnar’s Funeral Home Yona and Buda ____ Molnar’s Grocery____ Gave’s Bar ___________ Hinky Dink Bar______ Yale Inn _____________ Himler’s Printing____ Fraternally, MINUTES of Meeting of Br. 369, Alliance, Ohio Dec. 30, 1942 Mr. Mike Buzogány Pres, calls meeting to order. Minutes of last meeting was read and approved. Mike Buzogány is reelected for Pres, for 1943, also Michael Sirpo is reelected for Secretary. Delegates to the district Convention are as follows: Mike Buzogány, John Ko­­rosfoy, Chas. Szabó as al­ternate delegate. Delegates to House Comm, are as follows: Mike Buzogány, Michael Simo: Chas. Szabó, Joe Mathe, John Korosy as Al­ternate. These delegates accepted only on condition that as long as Mr. George Balogh takes any part in comm, of the House, they will not take any part in same, as Mr. Balogh continually in­sults the members of Br. 369 and its delegates. It was decided that each month we will give $1.00 whose name is drawn at the meeting, provided party will be present. Meeting to be held each Sunday afternoon (last) of each Month. Copy of this meeting Is ordered to be sent to the Main office. Signed: Mike Buzogány, Pres. Michael Simo, Sec., Joe Mathe Chas. Szabó John Korosy. Won Lost Totals 30 12 30 27 15 27 21 21 21 21 21 21 20 22 20 19 23 19 16 26 16 16 26 16 PAUL SZEGŐ, Secretary, Verhovay Bowling League Calendar of Verhovay Socials FEBRUARY 13TH, SATURDAY. — Chicago, Illinois. — Branch 96 will, hold their annual Va­lentine Dance, Schlitz Hall, 953 W. 119th St.--------------V-------------­FAREWELL BANQUET FOR REV. MUNDWEIL OF BRANCH 514 Verhovay members of Branch 514, Youngstown, Ohio, plan a farewell ban­quet for Rev. John B. Mund­­weil, pastor of Our Lady of Hungary Church, Sunday, January 17th at 6 P. M., at the Holy Name Church Hall. Rev. Mundweil did much to organize Branch 514 a few years ago, and does all in his power to boast Ver­hovay and encourage others to become members of 514. Rev. Mundweil takes over parish duties at the St. Emeric’s Parish, Cleveland, Ohio, January 18th. At the banquet Rev. Mundweil will burn a mort­gage note of $23,000. When he came to Youngstown eight years ago this was the debt of the parish. He helped clear that debt and today the church is debt free. Branch 514 regrets very much the transfer of Rev. January 14, 1943 Diana Marie Havrilla On her second birthday, Diana Marie Havrilla, of Cairnbrook, Penna., received a Class H — J $1,000 Ver­hovay Certificate. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Havrilla. Her father is the Secretary-Manager of Branch 517, Juvenile and Senior Branches of Cairn­brook, Penna. — --------------v-------------- _ BRANCH 96, Chicago, Illinois DEC. 10th, 1942. Team 3 beat the leading 2 Team 3 games. The feature of this match was the good bowling of all members of Team 3. Team 1 defeated the 2nd place 6 team 2 out of 3 games, F. Tinich, Jr., with 214 for the winners and J. Prohop 200 for the losers. Mar­guerite Prohop with 152 was High for the ladies. Team 5 won 2 out of 3 close games from 4 team High game for the win­ners was Irene Balia’s 152, for the losers, Nory Fields with 171 High. DECEMBER 17th. Team 5 defeated the leading team 2 by taking 2 out of 3 games, F. Meyerchick with 210, and Irene Balia with 150 where High for the winners. Joe Re­­vay with 203 pins and Rose Mleczko with 136 where tops for the loosers. Team 4 gave team 6 a beating in all 3 games. Nory Fields got a 198 game for High and Josephine Dumitro 124 for the ladies.For the losers J. Prohop 206 and Marguerite Prohop 163 pins. Team3 defeated team 1 to stay out of the cellar, J. Fay­­kuse with 193 and Irene Bankó with 128 was high for the win­ners. Helen Sziga had a nice 178 game for* the losers and Frank Tinich, Jr., 176 for the men. The League will not Bowl until after the holidays, January 7th, 1943. Fraternally, FRANK TINICH, Jr. Secretary. Mund weil; for he was a friend and booster of their branch. Rev. Mundweil’s picture will be found in the Hun­garian section of this issue. Fraternally, FRANK BROGLEY. /

