Verhovayak Lapja, 1941. július-december (24. évfolyam, 27-52. szám)

1941-09-25 / 39. szám

i September 25, 1941 CHILDREN’S PAGE Continued strange looking man!” he laughed. “He is unkind even in dream,” Fari said, sadly. But as the days passed by, Zaba could not forget the captain who sailed a dream­­ship. In spite of his efforts, he could not banish the stranger from his thoughts. At last he could not refrain from speaking of him to his tutors. “I know of no such place,” Jappa said. “I’ve traveled far in search of wisdom, but I never heard of The Land of Wisdom, where knowledge can be attained easily.” “The attaining of wisdom is difficult,” Zarfa said. “Wisdom comes only through the knowledge of the secret of life,” Fari said. “If . we search for The Land of Wisdom, I’m sure we can find it,” Zaba insist­ed. So they set out hi search of a land that existed only in" Zaba’s dreams. (To Be Continued)-------------o-------------­AMERICAN SOLDIER, VERHOVAY MEMBER PRIVATE JOHN BÁLINT Private John Balint is located at Hg. Company, 35th A. R. (L) T-312, Pine Camp, New York. Private Balint is a mem­ber of Branch 132, South Bend, Indiana. His father, Frank Balint, is president of Branch 132. ■--------------O-------------­Pulleys supported only by top brackets have been in­vented that permits the use of both sides of a clothes­line and enable any gar­ment to be removed without disturbing the others. Appeal, Beauty and Charm By BETTY CAROL BALEGA __________________________Verhovayak Lapja Now that summer is definitely on the wane, despite a few hot days here and there, we find women and girls over all the country faced with the same pro­blem. You look in the mirror one day and are faced by a stranger. Your tan has slipped! Your hair looks a trifle,' and in some cases more than a trifle, bleached and discolored from the summer sun! You have little web-like line. around your eyes from too much squinly­ing at the sun! All are the annoying telltale marks that the hot weather with its sports and various activities have left you. Summer souvenirs! The most famous of the xos­­metplogists have forseen this diletnma when none of your usual make-up not only fails to enhance your looks, but doesn’t even do justice to them. So they come to “your defense’’ with new beauty requisites that will bring you back to your former glow­ing beauty. From the Lenthéric Salon comes a brand-new group called “Soft Focus” Make-Up. This subdued, sepia-soft make-up was designed to contrast with the brilliant fashion colors - for the fall, so that your face doesn’t try to out­wit your costume, but sets it oil with a becoming modesty. Instead of sharp contours and high color, you will have a dreamy, misty quality such as a clever photo­grapher would induce in a por­trait study of you. For that ap­pealing, shadow-soft effect, begin with the new Soft Focus Make- Up Base—either the cream or liquid, according to preference. They are to be used sparingly, and any surplus removed with tissues. Follow the foundation with a light fluffing of Soft Focus powder, a feather-light touch of Soft Focus Rouge, either cream or dry, and, lastly, Soft Focus Lipstick. You can be as photo­genic under the eyes of your discerning friends as under the eyes of the discerning camera, if you will simply keep in mind your photographer’s admonitions about make-up. Your rouge is simply intended to accentuate the natural flush to your cheeks. Your lipstick is not to be laid on in a heavy coating. .. that hard outline, that gory gash, that burn­ing blaze of red is not feminine, photogenic, nor fashionable! The teen-ager is to start her fall curriculum with Lenthéric’s new “Pink Party” All Purpose Cream. When candles burn low, faces have a tendency to fade into the blackout. Happily, Schiaparelli now comes forth with two new night lights for the pleasure bound, a new series of lipsticks in two evening shades. Schiapa­relli first made cosmetic history with a night lipstick___ Sleep­ing ... and now her “Sunset” and “Sunrise” are each as dis­tinctively original as /their fore­runner. Definitely for the pleasure bound, these new shades are meant for alluring hours when good folk sleep and only night owls prowl! “Sunset” is dark and luminous. At a first night it will outwit footlights and defeat shadows. But when the first streaks of dawn filter through and it is time to call a taxi, “Sunrise”... a vivid, luscious shade ... will save you from that wan and spooky look we all know so well. Each is faintly fragrant with Sleeping perfume. And, amusingly enough, each comes in a Sleeping blue case, shaped like a burnt out candle. Going to a party? Schiaparelli packs moonlight magic in little beaded satin reticules ... black with Shocking and white with Sleeping accessories. Tucked in­side the zipper opening you’ll find adequate defense against those thousand candlepower chan­deliers which have a disconcert­ing way of defeating personal sparkle. With lipstick, compact and perfume in either of the two’ scents, equipment is complete for long autumn evenings. Bags are flat, and wonderfully easy to carry. They hold so much that Schiaparelli calls them the “State Secrets.” From Charles of the Ritz comes news of their new “Bagette,” a huge tailored handbag in a stun­ning shade of saddle tan fabri­­coid with two strap handles to wrap firmly around your arm, and gaping zipper top. .. just “chockfull” of their latest emer­gency beauty equipment. Thes$ are the days when life is defi­nitely “lived on the fly,” and every woman has responded to the call for defense work. Yet there is not a woman alive who does not know that her first duty on the defense . program is to look her best at all times. Therefore, ladies, we give you the “Bagette”! In its copious base you will find Cleansing Cream. Skin Freshener, Skin Bloom (a. foundation cream base), face powder, especially blended for you by Charles of the Ritz, lip­stick, eyeshadow, mascara, rouge and a bottle of hand lotion ... or if you prefer... a substitute of fragrant Eau de Cologne to send you forth as fresh as though you came tripping lightly from your boudoir instead of having come straight from your office 'with a five minute hiatus for grooming. There is also a side pocket for cleansing tissues, notes, pencil, change purse and all other para­phernalia of a busy woman’s daily needs. But saving a “bit of the best for the last,” here is news that will prove thrilling to the end­less stream of Shulton’s Old Spice fans ... Shulton has added Face Powder to that ever delightful line of toiletries! Created es­pecially for the new American Character Beauty, Old Spice face powder is of very light texture to reveal the quality loveliness of today’s American woman. It is such a light powder that it will not hide your own natural "beauty. It reveals rather than masks the healthy glow caused by an active life, and its ad­herence is strong enough to de­feat shininess. The peerless quality synonymous with the house of Shulton is found in this face powder, which comes in two charmingly motifed packages . .. the round box contains two and a half ounces while the luxury package of four ounces has a domed, hinged cover, making the box reminiscent of a miniature trunk. Deftly blended, Old Spice face powder may be had in five shades: Quilting Bee Blush, a delicate bloom for the fragile­­looking light skinned woman; a pearly beige, called Honeycomb; Nantucket Mist, a glowing neutral .tone; a tawny rose named Meet­ing House; and Courting' Days, a radiant bronze. So there you have what I con­sider the most important beauty releases for fall. And I’m certain when you read over the list and choose your selections, you will agree with me!--------------o-------------­CHANGE OF ADDRESS Julius Chaszar, Secretary of Branch 372, Lorain, Ohio, has removed his residence from 1911 E. 34th Street, Lorain, Ohio, to 1959 E. 32d Street, Lorain, Ohio. Page § On the Biimpty Road (Dedicated to Betts) Poor Orville, he had a wife, Already you know his fated life But he was devoted as weNshall see, She was five foot ten; he was four foot three. Orville deeply loved Clarabelle, But his true feelings for her he did not tell, Blood is thicker than sand, So was the back of Clarabelle’s hand. • But the worst for Orville yet was due, For the little wife longed to drive; what to do? Orvie put his foot down: No! No! He had his say, So Clarabelle was learning to drive the next day. He told her the parts one by one, She just nodded and thought, “Gee, the fun.” Orville tense and loving his life, Reluctantly gave the wheel to his wife. 4 She gripped the wheel and held it tight, Orville gulped and prayed for life, Would he live to sign the new lease? And would the car be brought home piece by piece? There, they were nearing a light, With cops everywhere in sight, ’Twas time now to use the brake, Clarabelle pushed the gas for oddity’s sake. She now remarked about the gear, “I’ll not shift, it’ll save wear and tear.” So she didn’t shift, there you are, Can you guess who pushed the car? Orville pushed, shoved the Ford, Till his back felt like a board, Clara hedging in the front, called, “Push harder, you little runt.” Pushing was this day Orville’s fate, A car, 350 pounds plus, are no small weight, Efforts unceased; the car on its way, Whát Orville mustered (is not fit to print or say). Not knowing what had come to pass, Orvie saw the pudgy foot step on the gas. Then the sound of a siren’s wail, Now for a ticket, or sentence to jail. The ticket received, they had gone pretty far, When by a stroke of luck, she missed a streetcar, Annoyed she said, “It would be a safer world today, If women were all drivers, Orvie, what do you say?” Then to a railroad crossing they came, A train on the track doing the same, Missing the train by a breath-taking swerve, She said, ’’He’s following me, what nerve!” But Clarabelle remained amused, While the now battered Ford became more abused, To a station they drove at eleven, But (for the red, white and blue) it had closed at seven. But they had all the gas needed, For they towards home had succeeded, The car now needed a coat of paint, But Orville was already faint. Fenders were missing here and there, Without them, the car looked bare, It was nice to have a steering wheel to guide, And tires, over the road to glide. But Clarabelle pudgy and pleased, Irritated poor Orvie as she teased, “Orvie, dear, I’ll tell you no lie, Some day you’ll drive as well as I.” —HELEN S. Branch 34, Pittsburgh, Pa. HHII ■I

