Verhovayak Lapja, 1941. július-december (24. évfolyam, 27-52. szám)

1941-07-31 / 31. szám

Page 9 July 31, 1941 _______________________.Verhovayak Lapja CHILDREN'S PAGE - Continued threw a silver path across the silent lake. The watchers in the night waited patiently for the mir­acle to take place. “The story of White Cloud and Star was only a legend after all,” Daddy said. “Wing Feet was so sin­cere,” Sally spoke, sadly. “The moon proved the sto­ry was only fiction,” Mother answered. She turned to­ward the path leading to their lodge. “Wait!” Sue exclaimed. “Look! Over there close to the path of the moon!” The legend was true! The spectators saw the faint outline of a canoe. White Cloud paddled with sure strokes. Star lifted her eyes to the stars above. The wind rose and carried their song to the listeners on the pebbly shore. Slowly the canoe drifted on the path to the moon and vanished. The mirage was gone too soon. Sally and Sue rubbed their eyes. Mother and Dad­dy could hardly believe their eyes. There was little sleep in the mountain lodge that night. The next day the girls told Wing Feet that they had seen the spirit of White Cloud and Star. Sally and Sue thanked the Indian for telling them the legend of Lotus Lake.----------o---------­SUMMER DELIGHT Lingering are the Summer days, Leading us through pleasant ways— Heat of Sun and cool of shade By murm’ring brook and leafly glade. Bees in clover, birds in trees, Flower-perfumed rhapsodies. Bring Summer’s spell of magic near— The fairest time of all the year! From JASMINE PETALS a Book of Verse By Hasmick Vartcbedian ----------o-------— DEAR BOYS AND GIRLS: Would you like a Mail Box Corner for boys and girls between 6 and 16 years of age? If so, please send us your letters and- let us know what you think about a Mail Box. You may write interesting­­letters about yourself; your bobbies; school work; and what you are doing during the summer vacation. Would you like a Pen Pal Club? Write and let us know; Pa L iE Kindness to Animals There is a lesson all should learn; ’Tis one that is of great concern To all God’s other creatures round; In simple kindness it is found: To guard them ell with gentle heart, Thus helping them to play their part Until they’re all our grateful friends; ’Tis sweetest grace that Heaven sends. God placed these creatures in our care That in earth’s blessings they may share; They are our servants, to be sure. If that relation long endure, ’Twill be because we rule to bless And serve each other’s happiness, For they have rights as well as we That we must keep clear eyes to see. Our serving beasts and birds respond; If we are kind, they all grow fond. It is from us they take their cue; ’Tis just the same with, me, with you. Our daily actions they will note, Will follow us as if by rote. The spirit which we daily live Will dictate service they will give. I quite agree with Rowland Hill— A man’s religion counts but nil Whose beasts and fowls will run with fear And be afraid when he is near, For if our lives are ruled by love, We draw from God’s great heart above; There’s in us naught to give alarm, And birds and beasts display their charm. —SELECTED but, be sure to give your name, age and complete address. If you have taken any un­usual snapshots, send them to us. These should be glos­sy prints. Do you like to draw? If you have any drawings you would like to send us, we will be delighted to publish them. Also, your short stor­ies and poems. The Editor. MISS MARGARET TELESKY FETED AT PARTY Miss Margaret Telesky, member of Johnstown Branch 439, was surprised at a birthday celebration held recently in her honor by her friends, Mrs. John Zimmerman, Miss Elizabeth Porter and Mrs. John Hor­­nick, at the latter’s home, 20'/2 Cooper Avenue, Johns­town, Pa. A patriotic red, white and blue color scheme was car­ried out in the decorations, with a large attractively de corated cake made by Mrs. Stephen Balogh being used for the centerpiece. The evening was spent in playing games, after which a delicious luncheon was served. Miss Telesky was present­ed many beautiful and use­ful gifts. Guests at the party were Mesdames John Zimmer­man, Jack Hayes, Edward Kels, P. Buzzard, Stephen Balogh, Stein Ragan, Victor Putorek, William Putorek, Charles Sutmiller, John Hor­­nick, Henry Klaum; Misses Margaret Telesky, Elizabeth Porter, Elizabeth Ghurilla, Anna Sabo, Margaret Mol­nár, Helen Molnár, Margaret Merse, Ethel Hornick. Appeal, Beauty and Charm By BETTY CAROL BALEGA (The second in the series of articles containing gift sugges­tions for the summer hostess.) Wondering how to spend the long, hot summer week end this year? Well, if you’re a wise woman you'll concentrate on that lioness- of the summer sociat season ... the week end hostess, who can fete you gaily and gloriously throughout the warm months. It's all a matter of knowing how to say “Thank you for a lovely week end” in a manner no hostess can resist' There is such an endless list oi inexpensive gift suggestions de­vised to win the heart of your hostess that it is an almost simple matter to choose correctly. From Helena Rubinstein we have the following examples of perfect “thank you” suggestions ... A new Apple Blossom Guest Soap Set containing ten indivi­dual guest soaps in charming Apple Blossom bud design. Apple Red Wedding Ring Lip­stick, a clear, vibrant shade of red to match the healthy color of cheeks. Heaven-Sent Eau de Toilette and Heaven-Sent Handkerchief. Complement this celestial scent with a lovely pastel blue and pink Heaven-Sent handkerchief ... an exquisitely feminine star­­studded linen square with a de­sign of pink angels and puffy clouds. The new luscious Apple Blos­som Foam Bath makes any wo­man feel like a combination of Cleopatra, Du Barry and Hedy L,a Marr! Here is a luxury bath that is like something out of the Arabian Nights. Thick white clouds of foam, perfumed with the sweetness of 'an apple or­chard in full bloom, come in a tall shaker box with a “scoop” opening, and contains enough for fifteen or twenty beauty baths. Helena Rubinstein’s-new Charm Box. Ever since the lovely Pan­dora’s curiosity released a host of human ills upon the world, women have been fascinated by the secret contained in boxes ... seeking within them elusive beau­ty and happiness, constantly hoping to discover new means of embellishing their natural beauty and charm! This new Charm Box... a gay red and white striped affair, has been designed to accomplish just that very thing! It contains Pasteur­ized Face Cream, Town and Country Make-Up Film and a purse size of Flower Petal Face Powder. Just watch it bring a glow of appreciation and pleasure to your hostess’ face! Three more new releases from the same salon give you the good news that you can let the de­lightfully fragrant Apple Blos­som perfume go right to your head, with Apple Blossom Bril­­iiantine! A wonderful scalp freshener which surrounds the hair with a halo of apple blos­soms! Good news number two is the fact that no one need feel unpleasantly sticky and unfra­­grant during the hot weather ... due to the new Apple Blossom Deodorants, a cream and lotion. The cream is light as a feather and may be used as a protective film of fragrance, while the lotion may be used for under­arms as well as for hands and feet to give you and you and you complete day-long protection. Then, of course, for your own week end and vacation use there is the New Town and Country Weekender... a handsome, fill­­purpose kit which contains every­thing to make a “complete wo­man” of you this summer. So for your hostess and your­self ... happy vacationing!-----------------O-----------------­IT HAPPENED IN NEW jYORK Branch 394 After years of hard work, the second generation mem­bers of Branch 394 are finally coming into their own. The new ideas and plans formed are showing results. Our membership has almost doubled. Social af­fairs sponsored by this branch have gained recog­nition and increased our following. Just to list a few of our achievements— Our annual spring dance 'was the best ever held by us; Our bowling team has won several trophies, and due to the interest of our members we shall be able to place two teams in the Ver­­hovay Bowling League; Numerous outside contacts have been obtained through cooperation with other young organizations; Social nights with danc­ing, card parties, table ten­nis and refreshments have tended to increase our fol­lowing and have brought us many promises of future members. These increased activities have led to many inquiries as to membership and assure us success in coming func­tions of any sort. All this grand progress is due to the re-interest shown by our members and the kind assistance of the Home Office in giving ús a home where we can hold these affairs. When we add these up we find the future of Branch 394 assured, and our branch will soon become outstand­ing in the organization. Just a bit of advertise­ment— Write to us to inquire about our Fall Dance. Fraternally, Joseph Sharkozy, Publicity Agent, Verhovay Home, 231 East 77th St., New York City. Asthma Mucus Coughing, Gasping Thanks to a Doctor’s prescription called .♦lendaco, thousands now palliate terrible re­curring attacks of choking, gasping, cough­ing, wheezing Bronchial Asthma by helping nature remove thick excess mucus. No dopes, no smokes, no injections. Just tasteless, pleasant tablets. The rapid, delightful pal­liative action commonly helps nature bring welcome sleep—a “God-send.” A printed guarantee wrapped around each package of Mendaco insures ah immediate refund ol the full cost unless you are completely sat­isfied. You have everything to gain anc nothing to lose under this positive money back guarantee so get Mendaco írom jam druggist today for only 4M*.

