Dent, Bob: Budapest for Children - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1992)

3. Going for a Ride - Enjoying some transport

22 GOING FOR A RIDE particularly in conjunction with the Children’s Railway (see below). The lower terminus is on Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor opposite the tall, circular Budapest Hotel. (Two stops on the no. 56 or no. 18 tram from Moszkva tér metro station.) The railway runs all year round at intervals of about 15 minutes during the daytime. An ordinary transport tick­et (or pass) is required, and these can be purchased on the spot. Tickets have to be punched on the train. The train slowly climbs up Sváb Hill providing a good view across Buda below. For the best view, sit on the right hand side by the window in a seat facing back­wards. The train stops at all stations and may wait for a while to allow another train to descend, there being only one track in certain parts. There are nine stops in all and the total journey is about 20 — 25 minutes. Near the “Sváb­hegy” station is the Széchenyi Look-out [Széchenyi Kilá­tó], The upper terminus of the Cog-wheel railway is on Széchenyi Hill. Nearby is the Panorama Hotel which has a terrace—good for ice-creams, etc. and the view in summer. The hotel also has a small and rather ex­clusive open-air swimming pool. Non-residents are wel­come, though the prices are also rather exclusive, even for children. The road to the left, past the kiosks and buffet leads to the Children’s Railway. Along here also are two small playgrounds. On the left there are three slides, a wooden train and other items. On the right there are carved wooden swings, climbing frames, a see saw, roundabout, etc. The area, though small and not par­ticularly impressive, is very popular as it provides an easy way of getting some fresh air without children being too bored. Children’s Railway [Gyermekvasút] The name comes from the fact that apart from the engine driver all the railway “staff” — controllers, con­ductors, booking clerks, station masters — are children, who, dressed in uniforms, perform their duties including waiving the train in and out of the little stations. It was

