Bodor Ferenc: Coffee-Houses - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1992)
Ibolya The hide-away of embracing university students and retired men of law partial to hash and stuffed pancakes. In its tubu- lous back rooms the reels run on, moments from bygone days; leatherette seats split at right angles, bottles-tops roll with a metallic twang from beneath the collector’s nose. Milk- bar, says the sign outside, not drink-bar, not hamburgers, but milk, life, strength, health. Bulging, proud rolls, pastry that stays fresh until night falls, beer glasses frothy with foam. The Ibolya is a rare gem in the heart of the city; if someone should be thinking of laying a privatizing hand on it, may that hand bum in hell and may its owner eat hamburgers for all eternity. 7 FERENCIEK TERE, V. IBOLYA, the milk-bar 18