Bodor Ferenc: Coffee-Houses - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1992)

Teavirág (TEABLOSSOM) Among windswept cigarette-stubs, dusty trellis posts and twenty-four hour supershops, this place is a perfect, rounded essay of a café. It is as old and wise and sluggish as a woodlouse—which is what is beautiful about it. Its latticed counter should be taken to a museum at once, the layers of smoke accumulated over the years on the walls sliced off with a tomograph — the bottom layers would surely be the con­densation of real Tew cigarettes. Its tiny, darkening, ver­miform section hides many secrets, hazy figures above the tables. Thick Slovakian hotel tumblers gleam, strings of lights like folkloristic pearls hang in space, life bubbles over with joy, even in the mornings. The round pink dustbin is the first sign that Barbie-goo is infiltrating into our adult world. 34 PACSIRTAMEZŐ ÜT, 111. 14

