Bodor Ferenc: Coffee-Houses - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1992)

Rózsadomb This genuine coffee-house is a pimple, a sore left unscratched in the most polluted, smelliest area enclosed by one of Buda’s great thoroughfares—Mártírok útja—Margit körút. Though rechristened at one point in time, the new name on the shop-front was soon thrown back into oblivion by the old neon letters. Strangers will be elated to find an unparalleled selec­tion of beers. The boarded ceiling dates back to the seventies, a motif that will soon attain architectural value, especially now that copper is encroaching upon all decorating. The Green mothers of Margit körút huddled in the corner bury themselv­es into mounds of pastry in their despair over the ecological destruction and spoon their ice-creams with concerned, care­worn faces. Even the faint smiles of the waitresses cannot uncloud their brows. 7 MARGIT KÖRÚT, II. 12

