Prohászka László: Polish Monuments - Our Budapest (Budapest, 2001)

Monuments 1. “Uncle Bem" 2. Przemysl 3. The martyrs of the New Building 4. Zamenhof Ornamental sculptures 5. Parliament 6. The Vigadó Memorial plaques 7. Wladislas I 8. Báthory 9. Kosciuszko 10. Bem 11. Woroniecki 12. Rulikowski 13. Zielinski 14. O'sváth 15. Martyrs 16. Polish doctors 17. Polish patriots 18. Mária Lázár Ecclesiastical monuments 19. Matthias Church 20. Chapel of the Rock Institutions 21. National Council of the Polish Minority of the Capital 22. Jószef Bem Polish Cultural Association of Hungary

