Korniss Péter - Erdős Virág: Courtyards - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1993)

Still in the night lies the courtyard, still lie the wood-lice in the cellar’s dark, now the main gate bangs against the wall, the lift starts and then clicks to a halt, now a shadow steals around the corridor, the knife blade flashes in his hand, he’ll open a door, no, he doesn’t, the blind’s flapping, the door handle jerks - and he rushes in and light runs up the walls, and the vaults run along the wall and while the roof above carries the sun on its humpy back to glow, a mangled ochre cube glistens in a chequered field below, now a humming-top with blue-pink stripes whirls up and down the corridor, only the wood-lice lie silent under the radiant lid of the runnel. 26

