Ferkai András: Shopfronts - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1996)

The Gütmann department store in a newspaper advertisement of the Haas & Somogyi Co. 12 Rákóczi üt, VII When a shop opened in a newly erected building, there were truly large-scale possibilities. A spectacular example of a frontage designed together with the building is the for­mer J. Gutmann & Partners Department Store (12 Rákóczi út. District VII). The block housing the department store as well as flats - a standard characteristic of many buildings in big cities - still stands on the corner of Rákóczi út and Síp utca. It was built in 1936-37 to plans by Gyula Wälder, the eminent professor of architecture of the inter-war pe­riod. In the 1920s Wälder was renowned for his neo-Ba- roque style and in spite of striking a more modern note in the 1930s, he retained his basically conservative attitude attested to by the faqades and Rococo bars on this build­ing. Compared to the upper part of the building, the ar­chitectural composition of the shopping areas is surpris­ingly modern. The architect seems to have resigned him­self to the fact that trade demanded a new, different and louder tone and thus allowed the needs of commerce to dominate the ground floor and the mezzanine, which were separated from the other storeys of flats with a cornice jut­ting out noticeably from the fagade. Thus the Gutmann Department Store became one of the most modern stores of the period and was a spectacle in the busy Rákóczi út. It sold menswear and children’s clothing as well as working clothes and protective gar­33

