Ferkai András: Shopfronts - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1996)

naments have worn away - although the main features of the original design survive. The shopfront is separated from the rest of the building by a nicely profiled stone frame, whose pink marble slabs reappear on the base, the shape of which evokes a Baroque style. On either side of the en­trance there is a shop window protruding from the basic glass plane of the frontage. Both end in an arch and are framed with thin wooden ribs. The section above the re­cessed doorways and the peaks of the show-cases used to be decorated with carved wooden ornaments similar to the one still seen on the inside of the door. Ödön Brammer’s “women's fashion store” (20 Petőfi Sándor utca, District V) boasted the most spectacular shopfront in the 1920s. It has remained the most intact specimen from the period. The former Koronaherceg ut­ca was a promenade well-liked by the aristocracy and members of the upper-middle class. So it was not by chance that the really elegant trading establishments open­ed their shops in the inner city along this route in the 1910s and 1920s. In 1927 Ödön Brammer commissioned the industrial designer Gábor Forgó to plan both the front­age and the interior of his shop, located on an L-shaped plot on the corner of Régiposta utca. it was a sight later to attract great attention. The base of the shopfront and the covering of the columns accentuating the corner were made of red marble, while the shop window frames and the fa­cade facing the side street were made of mahogany im­Brammer draper's shop (1927) at 20 Petőfi Sándor ütca, V 20

