Buza Péter: Spring and Fountains - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1994)

surface catchment area of these springs, Rózsadomb, and especially the regions above the József Hill, Ferenc Hill, Szem­lő Hill and Pál Valley caves, should be protected from water pollution. It is high time that on the threshold of the 21st century, sewerage was made universally available in this area.) Besides karst waters, there are two further peculiar types of spring-the so-called subsoil water spring and the edge water spring. The former appears when a section of the first im­permeable layer gets virtually to the surface. Examples of these are the Kristály Spring in Hunyadi utca, the Hideg [Cold] Spring in Pesthidegkút, the Lujza Spring in Perényi út, the Jablonka út Antal Spring and the Ágnes Spring in Orbán tér. Edge water springs draw their water supplies from subsoil waters trapped between two or more impermeable layers. It is a precondition of their formation that erosion should wash away water locking layers and thus the layer holding the water There are several springs around Buda, including the Rózsi Spring. Decades ago the Association of Újpest Nature-lovers put up PROTECTIVE WALLS OF CARVED STONE AROUND IT 8

