Zeidler Miklós: Sporting Spaces - Our Budapest (Budapest, 2000)

This publication was subsidised by the Municipality of Budapest City - Committee for Tourism On the Cover: Mayor István Bárczy kicks off the match inaugurating the MTK stadium (31 March 1912) Inside covers: The Ice Rink in the City Park (engraving by Tivadar Dörre, from cca. 1880) Photos by Ilona Hodossy (pages 16, 21,24, 31,38, 40, 41, 42, 45 and 46), Ferenc Mayer (page 23), Ferenc Sztraka (pages 15, 36 and 59), Tibor Szabó (page 28) and Miklós Zeidler (pages 48 and 52). Archive pictures are from the collections of the Budapest History Museum, the Ervin Szabó Municipal Library of Budapest, the Hungarian Museum of Architecture, the Hungarian News Agency, and the Hungarian Museum of Sports and Physical Education Original title: Sportterek Translation by Ákos Farkas Revised by Bob Dent Text © Miklós Zeidler, 2000 English translation © Ákos Farkas, 2000 ISSN 1215-8909 ISBN 963 9170 17 8

