Zeidler Miklós: Sporting Spaces - Our Budapest (Budapest, 2000)
The renovated Császár-Komjádi Swimming Pool urn and lockers for one thousand swimmers. Upstairs is a 7 by 12.5 metre learners’ pool and a large, 50 by 21 metre, eight-lane, 1.95 metre deep, deck-level competitive pool, its water continuously filtered. The terraces along the two longer sides of the pool can seat a crowd of two thousand. The roof has a sliding middle section so the hall can be turned into an open-air pool in fine neather. Well-equipped reporters’ boxes were installed on the tribunes for the purposes of radio and television broadcasts. When the construction was under way, the street and the car park outside the swimming pool were also broadened. Ever since its inauguration, the swimming pool has been used for amateur, junior and elite competitive sports (swimming at club and national levels, water-polo and modern pentathlon). A heated covered corridor connects the new pool with the old Császár, whose veteran pool was replaced with a 50- metre and a 25-metre pool, both featuring advanced water-filtering devices. Marczibányi TÉR The new rifle-range of the Budapest Civilian Shooters’ Association was opened in 1885 by King Francis Joseph. The neighbourhood was as yet sparsely populated, which is why it disturbed but a few that the hillside functioned as stop-butt and that targets were placed outside, in the open. A major attraction of the grace15