Adamkó Péter - Dénes György - Leél-Őssy Szabolcs: The Caves of Buda - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1992)

Hall, Kadic Branch), the laminar crystals (Glass Palace, Castle Hall), the superb, orange and crimson dripstone flows (Red Pyramid Chamber, Blood River Chamber) and the scalenohedral crystals (Red Sea, Fondue Chamber) are all different faces of the calcite. The aragonitic “Christmas trees” are 5-10 cm size aggregates of crystal needles made up of individual crystals merely 1-2 mm in thickness and 1-2 cm in length (Eldorado, Temple of Hature). Apart from the crystals, spectacular dissolution features can also be seen in the cave (Ferenc Papp Branch). The vertical dimension of this three-leveled cave is more than 100 m. It is not inconceivable that the cave will be developed in the future. However, because of the extreme delicacy of the crystal formations, this can only be achieved with utmost care and custom design. Not surprisingly, the cost of such a project would be exor­Dripstone drape at the entrance of the Red Pyramid Chamber

