Nemes János: Healing Budapest - Our Budapest (Budapest, 1993)

If you are in Need of Hospital Treatment

If you are in need of HOSPITAL TREATMENT Although there are wide differences in quality, some Budapest hospitals are well known throughout Europe. The common problem is, though, that most of them have grown old. The largest in-patient institution, St John’s Hospital is almost one hundred years old. Most of Budapest’s hospitals were built in two phases, at the turn of the century and between the two world wars. Of course they were modernized and added to later on, but this did not always prove sufficient to keep pace with the changes and the growing demand. It must be said, however, that most Hungarian physi­cians are well trained specialists. Most people who seek treatment in Hungary either voluntarily or have no other choice are interested in the standards and the prices. As mentioned earlier, Hun­gary is in the midst of a shift of ownership: privatization. Thus we can only give a broad view of a few “official” treatment fees, acknowledging that insurance compa­nies (can) pay part or even the whole sum. Treatment for one day in a single ward costs ten thousand forints, seven thousand in a two to four bed ward, fifteen thou­sand on the intensive care ward. A simple operation will cost seven thousand forints, a complex one thirty thou­St John’s, nearly one hundred years old 27

